Three courses that reveal the secrets of secrets, empowers you to the ultimate level! Completely understand life, master soul force energy physics, master radionics , reach gnosis and ascend! All taught in this huge detailed course that includes, audios, videos, booklets and personal time with Dr. Thor to assure you reach master level and ascend!! YOU ARE GUIDED STEP BY STEP!
The Master Course is an online course featuring audios, videos,booklets, books and the critical Energy Discs Mini-Machines for each lesson that personly empowers you beyond normal levels. You will SEE everything of a practical nature demonstrated in a video showing you excacvtly how a technique is performed. This is the only course of it's kind that teaches indepth using many types of media. But, most importantly you are personally empowered through the exclusive Offworld Tech Mini-Machine Energy Discs for the highest level of empowerment.
Each Lesson comes with an Energy Disc. These Disc contain amazing empowerments and usually the audio training or sound wave empowered tones to put you into the consciousness state to achieve beyond normal results. This is the Key to all Offworld Tech's exclusive training. Each Disc includes a Special Rate your visualize as well. Futuristic tech only available here!! You are given access to an amazing page of further training loaded with benefits and extras!!
The Master Course is an online course featuring audios, videos,booklets, books and the critical Energy Discs Mini-Machines for each lesson that personly empowers you beyond normal levels. You will SEE everything of a practical nature demonstrated in a video showing you excacvtly how a technique is performed. This is the only course of it's kind that teaches indepth using many types of media. But, most importantly you are personally empowered through the exclusive Offworld Tech Mini-Machine Energy Discs for the highest level of empowerment.
Each Lesson comes with an Energy Disc. These Disc contain amazing empowerments and usually the audio training or sound wave empowered tones to put you into the consciousness state to achieve beyond normal results. This is the Key to all Offworld Tech's exclusive training. Each Disc includes a Special Rate your visualize as well. Futuristic tech only available here!! You are given access to an amazing page of further training loaded with benefits and extras!!
Force Energy Physics explains the function of the universe and especially how Force Energy Technology works. "Radionic" technology when developed to the next level is the ultimate technology to create anything and everything. This technology is PROVEN daily by thousands that know and prove it works. It is NOT a theory! It is a working technology not a fantasy theory created by ignorant fools.
The core creative energy of the universe is detailed and demonstrated by the proven science of Force Energy Physics. This is detailed in my first level audio course with active power symbols to connect you to the Source to empower your life. TRUE SCIENCE IN COMPLETELY about manifesting. Without manifesting it is a fantasy created by ignorant science for intellectual masturbation purposes. YOU MUST CREATE SOMETHING THAT WORKS!
Since Force Energy Physics is an active science of manifesting that connects you to the Energy of the Creative universe through the individual connection to this Energy or Force. You must understand and "become one" with high level understanding of this Energy to apply it in your life. Just using Radionic Technology is not enough. This energy is the most powerful force in the universe that created everything. Accessing it to a high level requires a supreme wisdom. This course will allow you to obtain this wisdom through high level consciousness training and the DIRECT TRANSFER of knowledge through an exclusive Symbolic Learning System only Offworld Tech offers.
Each Energy Disc serves as a symbolic empowerment that transfer energy directly into your deep consciousness. Just place a special Radionic Tech produced photo on the symbolic design provided and FEEL THE POWER!! Super easy, fast and the only ultimate empowerment ever offered anywhere! Use the "disc" for empowerment of all kinds. Build a powerful manifesting energy field "machine" from the "cases" as you grow to the highest spiritual level ever created! Instant base level empowerment within seconds!
The actual lectures are also provided in an MP3 format as well. Listen to the lectures anytime and place you desire. You should listen to these often and repetitively. The Discs are required for higher training and empowerment. A unique proven training system from Offworld Tech only.
How the universe was created and continues to manifest endlessly.
How you are part of this creation and can use it in your life to manifest anything.
Having the "god force" in you.
How Subtle Energy Physics control everything from the energetic to physical form.
REAL physics and how common disinformation physics is a fantasy of fools.
How matter of all types is created!
How all matter of all types can be disassembled.
Radionic energy is subtle energy physics.
The many stages of energy fields and the physical objects these fields create.
Force Energy tools to manifest anything you desire.
Understand the universe is the ultimate empowerment that changes your life.
And much more!
A complete course on how the universe makes and creates matter of all types and how you can become part of the creative process of the universe. This is the NEW NEXT LEVEL PHYSICS you must understand to master your life and beyond. This science solves all the problems of mankind and is available NOW!
ALL THE SECRETS ARE REVEALED HERE FOR THE FIRST TIME. ALL DEVELOPED AND PROVEN BY OFFWORLD TECH! Detailed in an easy to understand manner with each lecture. Not passive learning! Active learning that empowers you from the start! THAT IS WHAT REAL SCIENCE IS ALL ABOUT! NOT THEORY CREATED BY BRAIN WASHED FOOLS!
Course is continuely updated. You can purchase the new lessons when released separately.
9 Audio Sigil Consciousness empowered lessons in Course One.
SPECIAL NOTE :: SOME ENERGY DISC HAVE ONLY SOUND FREQUENCIES ON THEM TO ENHANCE INFORMATIONAL HIGHER STATE TRANSFER. The actual training is online on the special Great Path additional training page you will be given access to at the time of purchase.
The core creative energy of the universe is detailed and demonstrated by the proven science of Force Energy Physics. This is detailed in my first level audio course with active power symbols to connect you to the Source to empower your life. TRUE SCIENCE IN COMPLETELY about manifesting. Without manifesting it is a fantasy created by ignorant science for intellectual masturbation purposes. YOU MUST CREATE SOMETHING THAT WORKS!
Since Force Energy Physics is an active science of manifesting that connects you to the Energy of the Creative universe through the individual connection to this Energy or Force. You must understand and "become one" with high level understanding of this Energy to apply it in your life. Just using Radionic Technology is not enough. This energy is the most powerful force in the universe that created everything. Accessing it to a high level requires a supreme wisdom. This course will allow you to obtain this wisdom through high level consciousness training and the DIRECT TRANSFER of knowledge through an exclusive Symbolic Learning System only Offworld Tech offers.
Each Energy Disc serves as a symbolic empowerment that transfer energy directly into your deep consciousness. Just place a special Radionic Tech produced photo on the symbolic design provided and FEEL THE POWER!! Super easy, fast and the only ultimate empowerment ever offered anywhere! Use the "disc" for empowerment of all kinds. Build a powerful manifesting energy field "machine" from the "cases" as you grow to the highest spiritual level ever created! Instant base level empowerment within seconds!
The actual lectures are also provided in an MP3 format as well. Listen to the lectures anytime and place you desire. You should listen to these often and repetitively. The Discs are required for higher training and empowerment. A unique proven training system from Offworld Tech only.
How the universe was created and continues to manifest endlessly.
How you are part of this creation and can use it in your life to manifest anything.
Having the "god force" in you.
How Subtle Energy Physics control everything from the energetic to physical form.
REAL physics and how common disinformation physics is a fantasy of fools.
How matter of all types is created!
How all matter of all types can be disassembled.
Radionic energy is subtle energy physics.
The many stages of energy fields and the physical objects these fields create.
Force Energy tools to manifest anything you desire.
Understand the universe is the ultimate empowerment that changes your life.
And much more!
A complete course on how the universe makes and creates matter of all types and how you can become part of the creative process of the universe. This is the NEW NEXT LEVEL PHYSICS you must understand to master your life and beyond. This science solves all the problems of mankind and is available NOW!
ALL THE SECRETS ARE REVEALED HERE FOR THE FIRST TIME. ALL DEVELOPED AND PROVEN BY OFFWORLD TECH! Detailed in an easy to understand manner with each lecture. Not passive learning! Active learning that empowers you from the start! THAT IS WHAT REAL SCIENCE IS ALL ABOUT! NOT THEORY CREATED BY BRAIN WASHED FOOLS!
Course is continuely updated. You can purchase the new lessons when released separately.
9 Audio Sigil Consciousness empowered lessons in Course One.
SPECIAL NOTE :: SOME ENERGY DISC HAVE ONLY SOUND FREQUENCIES ON THEM TO ENHANCE INFORMATIONAL HIGHER STATE TRANSFER. The actual training is online on the special Great Path additional training page you will be given access to at the time of purchase.
Rebirth Into A New Life Based In Gnosis & Ascension!
Christ Buddha Consciousness Realized!
Secret Healing Methods
Want to know all the secrets of mankind and the universe?
Want to master this reality and know what is beyond?
Want to reach the highest state a human can reach?
Want to know everything there is to know?
Want to ascend to the realm above human?
Want to stop the reincarnation process and start future lives
as a being of pure consciousness?
Want control over this physical world and everything in it?
Want to master this reality and know what is beyond?
Want to reach the highest state a human can reach?
Want to know everything there is to know?
Want to ascend to the realm above human?
Want to stop the reincarnation process and start future lives
as a being of pure consciousness?
Want control over this physical world and everything in it?
You have the rare opportunity to learn from Gnosis Master Dr. Thor Templar himself, the wisest human on the planet by audio, videos in a manner like you are being personally taught by the Gnosis Master himself. In this unique audio format, the Grand Master guides you step-by-step through all the secrets of the ages as well as intergalactic knowledge ONLY he understands and shares in an easy-to-absorb manner. The Gnosis Master is known for taking complicated ideas and wisdom and making them easily comprehensible by all.
These audios also comes with Next Level Super Sigils to activate the inner abilities you are meant to use for control of the earth plane. This Sigil is printed on the CD DISC and also on the insert that accompanies the CD. The CD is further "masked" with a secret coding system that contacts your higher self to train it directly and empowers you in a short period of time. This method is only known to the Gnosis Master and comes from Intergalactic Masters that serve as the Gnosis Master's guides.
It is not what you hear and think about; these are common teaching methods left to the fools of the common world. A Gnosis Master speaks to your Soul, your true higher being. Words and thoughts do not matter, it is what you understand and what becomes part of you that matters. This knowledge is carried with you from lifetime to lifetime. Regular knowledge is lost as it should be.
You will learn ALL THE SECRETS OF THE AGES and how it relates to Gnosis, Ascension and the mastering of earth reality both the physical and spiritual. Those that follow the complete teachings manifest ANYTHING they desire! When you KNOW the secrets manifestation is easy and fast! Knowing and Doing can often times be difficult because the lower self/mind blocks you from your true destiny. Each individual must FIGHT for their right to achieve Gnosis and complete control of the physical reality we live in. The process is easier than you think if you are guided by a Gnosis Master of The Intergalactic School of Ultimate Wisdom. The only teacher of this on this plane now and the wisest man alive is Gnosis Master Thor. An opportunity like this only comes ONCE in several lifetimes and often is GONE soon after it appears! Do not delay your opportunity to achieve the highest state of consciousness available to you, taught by one that has achieved it and is living now and teaching others!
This training is the ultimate and seen as a great danger to the negative forces of the universe. They wish to destroy your ability to achieve your highest state of being. As such everything is being done that can be done to stop Gnosis Master Thor, Radionic Tech and these teachings from reaching the public. Obtain these teachings while you still can! The future of great wisdom has always been endangered, as are those that offer it. ACT NOW! START TODAY ON YOUR GREAT PATH TO ULTIMATE GALACTIC WISDOM AND THE MASTERY OF THE EARTH PLANE!
It will train you step-by-step in all the secret knowledge of the ages and connect you to intergalactic wisdom. Each Energy Disc comes with a Super Sigil that communicates with your inner being, empowering you the moment you view it. The audio speaks not only in regular words, it also communicates knowledge using a secret method from Intergalactic Masters. Especially when you use the Sound Gate Tool. The "cd" is a power tool and needs to be physically used. The training is available on MP3 but, does not replace the physical Energy Disc Tool.
Nothing like this has ever been offered to the public before. Advanced teaching explained in an easy to understand manner, in normal reality with strong inner teaching to your higher self. Each CD will include a different Super Sigil that becomes part of your consciousness and carried with you into future lives and realities.
These teachings are for serious seekers ONLY. Much of the wisdom will requires months to "sink in" to be fully understood. Your mind will reject pure wisdom as it fights to stay in evil ignorance. This is a unique path for those that are sick of the silly junk offered them by deceivers and religion. This path is for those that truly seek the ultimate TRUTH OF THE UNIVERSE. A DEEP INNER DESIRE TO WANT TO KNOW ALL AND CONTROL ALL!
Each audio lecture is similar to having a Near-Death Experience! It will radically change your reality and rebirth you into a new, higher being able to access extreme abilities. This is truly the way you learn sacred Knowledge, not by some strange N.D.E. where you are physically harmed.
This is an 11 Lesson Energy Disc course at this time. More Lessons moffered in the future and can be purchased separately.
SPECIAL NOTE ::: SOME ENERGY DISC HAVE ONLY SOUND FREQUENCIES ON THEM TO ENHANCE INFORMATIONAL HIGHER STATE TRANSFER. The actual training is online on the special Great Path additional training page you will be given access to at the time of purchase.
These audios also comes with Next Level Super Sigils to activate the inner abilities you are meant to use for control of the earth plane. This Sigil is printed on the CD DISC and also on the insert that accompanies the CD. The CD is further "masked" with a secret coding system that contacts your higher self to train it directly and empowers you in a short period of time. This method is only known to the Gnosis Master and comes from Intergalactic Masters that serve as the Gnosis Master's guides.
It is not what you hear and think about; these are common teaching methods left to the fools of the common world. A Gnosis Master speaks to your Soul, your true higher being. Words and thoughts do not matter, it is what you understand and what becomes part of you that matters. This knowledge is carried with you from lifetime to lifetime. Regular knowledge is lost as it should be.
You will learn ALL THE SECRETS OF THE AGES and how it relates to Gnosis, Ascension and the mastering of earth reality both the physical and spiritual. Those that follow the complete teachings manifest ANYTHING they desire! When you KNOW the secrets manifestation is easy and fast! Knowing and Doing can often times be difficult because the lower self/mind blocks you from your true destiny. Each individual must FIGHT for their right to achieve Gnosis and complete control of the physical reality we live in. The process is easier than you think if you are guided by a Gnosis Master of The Intergalactic School of Ultimate Wisdom. The only teacher of this on this plane now and the wisest man alive is Gnosis Master Thor. An opportunity like this only comes ONCE in several lifetimes and often is GONE soon after it appears! Do not delay your opportunity to achieve the highest state of consciousness available to you, taught by one that has achieved it and is living now and teaching others!
This training is the ultimate and seen as a great danger to the negative forces of the universe. They wish to destroy your ability to achieve your highest state of being. As such everything is being done that can be done to stop Gnosis Master Thor, Radionic Tech and these teachings from reaching the public. Obtain these teachings while you still can! The future of great wisdom has always been endangered, as are those that offer it. ACT NOW! START TODAY ON YOUR GREAT PATH TO ULTIMATE GALACTIC WISDOM AND THE MASTERY OF THE EARTH PLANE!
It will train you step-by-step in all the secret knowledge of the ages and connect you to intergalactic wisdom. Each Energy Disc comes with a Super Sigil that communicates with your inner being, empowering you the moment you view it. The audio speaks not only in regular words, it also communicates knowledge using a secret method from Intergalactic Masters. Especially when you use the Sound Gate Tool. The "cd" is a power tool and needs to be physically used. The training is available on MP3 but, does not replace the physical Energy Disc Tool.
Nothing like this has ever been offered to the public before. Advanced teaching explained in an easy to understand manner, in normal reality with strong inner teaching to your higher self. Each CD will include a different Super Sigil that becomes part of your consciousness and carried with you into future lives and realities.
These teachings are for serious seekers ONLY. Much of the wisdom will requires months to "sink in" to be fully understood. Your mind will reject pure wisdom as it fights to stay in evil ignorance. This is a unique path for those that are sick of the silly junk offered them by deceivers and religion. This path is for those that truly seek the ultimate TRUTH OF THE UNIVERSE. A DEEP INNER DESIRE TO WANT TO KNOW ALL AND CONTROL ALL!
Each audio lecture is similar to having a Near-Death Experience! It will radically change your reality and rebirth you into a new, higher being able to access extreme abilities. This is truly the way you learn sacred Knowledge, not by some strange N.D.E. where you are physically harmed.
This is an 11 Lesson Energy Disc course at this time. More Lessons moffered in the future and can be purchased separately.
SPECIAL NOTE ::: SOME ENERGY DISC HAVE ONLY SOUND FREQUENCIES ON THEM TO ENHANCE INFORMATIONAL HIGHER STATE TRANSFER. The actual training is online on the special Great Path additional training page you will be given access to at the time of purchase.
$#98.Advanced Radionic/Consciousness machine technologies that have never been discussed before. It is far more than the common practices you hear about. This is a "smoke screen" of primitive knowledge to keep you enslaved and working with worthless, old techniques no longer valid in modern times. It also keeps you involved in researching original technology that uses dated weak 1950's electronics. The Next Level of Consciousness machines are here. THIS IS THE FUTURE! The Ultimate "Man-Machine" consciousness technology. A technology FULLY controlled by human consciousness for the betterment of mankind. NOT a machine consciousness which mankind follows. All of these technologies are only known to Radionic Tech and Dr. Thor. YOU CAN LEARN THEM TOO! Master the physical and spiritual reality with the use of the most advanced technology available!
The mostly video course includes the unique empowered Sigil Disc machine system. Course includes mini-mac hines. These unique tools only available through the Great Path Course, have unique Machine circuity, rare old photos of machines that have been activated to draw power for the owner, rare devices of all kinds, manifestation sigils, healing sigils, influence sigils, warfare sigils, ascension sigils, gnosis sigils, spirit sigils, and much, much more. All in exclusive Mini-Machine tools you assemble into a powerful machine. All you need to add is a Special Amplifier to have a unique powerful tool.
These "mini-machines" are assembled into unique powerful machines, amplifiers, and sigils to make them all work; you're gaining access to A Table-Top 50th Century Psychotronic technology only known to Radionic Tech. As you learn about all aspects of Psychotronics, you are building one of the most powerful Radionic Tools ever offered to the public!
You can even use these with other radionic machines or as a Next Level altar for magical practices, ANOTHER MASTERPIECE OF TECHNOLOGY FROM DR. THOR AND ONLY AVAILABLE FROM THE RADIONIC TECH! This is Next NEXT LEVEL alternative science at it's best!
SPECIAL NOTE :::SOME ENERGY DISCS HAVE ONLY SOUND FREQUENCIES ON THEM TO ENHANCE INFORMATIONAL HIGHER STATE TRANSFER. The actual training is online on the special Great Path additional training page you will be given access to at the time of purchase. There is all the Video Players that will directly show you the methods talked about. As well as numberous rate books and other printed materials worth over $500.00!
This is a constantly building course. Updates are generally added weekly. You get lifetime access for the price. Some updates require a fee, most do not. COMPLETE $398.00 PLUS SHIPPING
The mostly video course includes the unique empowered Sigil Disc machine system. Course includes mini-mac hines. These unique tools only available through the Great Path Course, have unique Machine circuity, rare old photos of machines that have been activated to draw power for the owner, rare devices of all kinds, manifestation sigils, healing sigils, influence sigils, warfare sigils, ascension sigils, gnosis sigils, spirit sigils, and much, much more. All in exclusive Mini-Machine tools you assemble into a powerful machine. All you need to add is a Special Amplifier to have a unique powerful tool.
These "mini-machines" are assembled into unique powerful machines, amplifiers, and sigils to make them all work; you're gaining access to A Table-Top 50th Century Psychotronic technology only known to Radionic Tech. As you learn about all aspects of Psychotronics, you are building one of the most powerful Radionic Tools ever offered to the public!
You can even use these with other radionic machines or as a Next Level altar for magical practices, ANOTHER MASTERPIECE OF TECHNOLOGY FROM DR. THOR AND ONLY AVAILABLE FROM THE RADIONIC TECH! This is Next NEXT LEVEL alternative science at it's best!
SPECIAL NOTE :::SOME ENERGY DISCS HAVE ONLY SOUND FREQUENCIES ON THEM TO ENHANCE INFORMATIONAL HIGHER STATE TRANSFER. The actual training is online on the special Great Path additional training page you will be given access to at the time of purchase. There is all the Video Players that will directly show you the methods talked about. As well as numberous rate books and other printed materials worth over $500.00!
This is a constantly building course. Updates are generally added weekly. You get lifetime access for the price. Some updates require a fee, most do not. COMPLETE $398.00 PLUS SHIPPING
gnosis Empowerment
Amulets are your keys to fast higher abilities and understanding. Without these critical tools, your progress will be slow and results will manifest at a low level. Amulets activate energies within you instantly and start the empowerment process; it is like an initiation with a MASSIVE power boost.
The amulets are simply worn and consciously connected to often throughout the day for a second or two; that is all you need to do. The empowerment grows and grows! These Tools are priced so everyone can afford them and start on the Gnosis Path NOW! Building personal power day after day.
Section One Amulet - Brings strong, deep understanding. Understanding and your abilities develop very fast! Special Gnosis Understanding Sigil with your photo on the other side to transfer energies at the highest level.
Section Two Amulet - This opens your manifesting abilities center for the training in this Section. Unique Intergalactic Sigils activate cosmic energies to empower you in unusual and powerful ways.
Section Three Amulet - Opens Healing and Immortality energy condensers in your spiritual energy bodies. These are unique intergalactic energies of which only Radionic Tech is aware of and can draw to you. These work in a deep spiritual manner, connecting you to extreme light energies that transform the physical and spiritual. These increase well-being to the highest level possible for you. It then starts building an Immortal Light Body.
Amulets are your keys to fast higher abilities and understanding. Without these critical tools, your progress will be slow and results will manifest at a low level. Amulets activate energies within you instantly and start the empowerment process; it is like an initiation with a MASSIVE power boost.
The amulets are simply worn and consciously connected to often throughout the day for a second or two; that is all you need to do. The empowerment grows and grows! These Tools are priced so everyone can afford them and start on the Gnosis Path NOW! Building personal power day after day.
Section One Amulet - Brings strong, deep understanding. Understanding and your abilities develop very fast! Special Gnosis Understanding Sigil with your photo on the other side to transfer energies at the highest level.
Section Two Amulet - This opens your manifesting abilities center for the training in this Section. Unique Intergalactic Sigils activate cosmic energies to empower you in unusual and powerful ways.
Section Three Amulet - Opens Healing and Immortality energy condensers in your spiritual energy bodies. These are unique intergalactic energies of which only Radionic Tech is aware of and can draw to you. These work in a deep spiritual manner, connecting you to extreme light energies that transform the physical and spiritual. These increase well-being to the highest level possible for you. It then starts building an Immortal Light Body.
Each Level of the training we offer requires the added empowerment or consciousness trigger of an Amulet. Amulets are your Key to deep understanding and fast empowerment. Using the proper Level amulet with the audio amulet for that Level produces much better results.
Consciousness machine technologies go far beyond just technical understanding; they work from your consciousness and MEC Tech triggers deep consciousness empowerment. These are all priced so all can afford and grow in power and understanding fast. These MEC Tech Cells also serve as actual energy boosters of the Consciousness Machine you are building. They serve as the main power for the Machines.
Level One Cell - Machine Power Booster One - Triggers deep centers of understanding for Consciousness Machine mastery while creating Level One energy to your soon-to-be created basic machine. it also serves as another power boost for the machine you are building and placed on your CD covers.
Level Two Cell - Machine Power Booster Two - This Amulet triggers your technical abilities to use Machines. This is critical for proper and successful use of Consciousness machines. If you cannot tune your Machine correctly, it is worthless. Skills like dowsing and psychic centers required for tuning are activated.
Level Three Cell - Machine Power Booster Three - This connects you to ultimate consciousness machine awareness. This is an intergalactic energy source to which only Radionic Tech can connect. High-level consciousness machine use and success all come from this energy source. These are NOT primitive earth-based realities; these are high-level galactic energies with which few can connect. This is the reason most people fail in the use of this kind of technology. No longer! This amulet and your training will connect you to these energies of the highest level. It also boost machine energies yet again, to a higher level! Includes exclusive Laser Transfer Tech to INSTANTLY transfer amulet energies to you!
Consciousness machine technologies go far beyond just technical understanding; they work from your consciousness and MEC Tech triggers deep consciousness empowerment. These are all priced so all can afford and grow in power and understanding fast. These MEC Tech Cells also serve as actual energy boosters of the Consciousness Machine you are building. They serve as the main power for the Machines.
Level One Cell - Machine Power Booster One - Triggers deep centers of understanding for Consciousness Machine mastery while creating Level One energy to your soon-to-be created basic machine. it also serves as another power boost for the machine you are building and placed on your CD covers.
Level Two Cell - Machine Power Booster Two - This Amulet triggers your technical abilities to use Machines. This is critical for proper and successful use of Consciousness machines. If you cannot tune your Machine correctly, it is worthless. Skills like dowsing and psychic centers required for tuning are activated.
Level Three Cell - Machine Power Booster Three - This connects you to ultimate consciousness machine awareness. This is an intergalactic energy source to which only Radionic Tech can connect. High-level consciousness machine use and success all come from this energy source. These are NOT primitive earth-based realities; these are high-level galactic energies with which few can connect. This is the reason most people fail in the use of this kind of technology. No longer! This amulet and your training will connect you to these energies of the highest level. It also boost machine energies yet again, to a higher level! Includes exclusive Laser Transfer Tech to INSTANTLY transfer amulet energies to you!
Custom made and empowered - 4-8 weeks
Materialization Science is all about manifesting, but few really understand what they can and cannot manifest. Manifesting is not like a TV show or movie, where things POP-UP in front of you. There are rules to manifesting few know. There are specific practices you need to use and understand if you want to manifest your desires. If you do not follow these rules you will fail! This training gives you INSIDE knowledge on what it really takes to manifest your desires. Forty years of research is revealed in these Courses.
It includes Special Manifesting Alchemical Sigils to assist in building the critical energy fields needed to materialize your desires. This is not JUST a set of written knowledge; it is a powerful manifesting Tool. Just owning and reading the set generates massive energy fields. It is like having hundreds of Energy Cells working for you personally 24/7. These courses gives you INSTANT empowerment that would usually require YEARS of personal practice!
It includes Special Manifesting Alchemical Sigils to assist in building the critical energy fields needed to materialize your desires. This is not JUST a set of written knowledge; it is a powerful manifesting Tool. Just owning and reading the set generates massive energy fields. It is like having hundreds of Energy Cells working for you personally 24/7. These courses gives you INSTANT empowerment that would usually require YEARS of personal practice!
all In One Master Set of three books
foundation one - what can I manifest?
It is all here in simple terms with a Sacred Geometry Manifesting Sigil to use now! Awesome INSTANT empowerment. All the facts needed to start manifesting now and empowerment to do so. JUST INSERT A PHOTO!
Foundation two - core abilities for success
There are Core Abilities that you need to learn to be successful at manifesting. These often overlooked practices are critical for successful manifesting. The lack of these Foundation skills cause failure after failure. This Course details the Foundation skills required to become a Master Materialization Scientist. New Exclusive Radionic Tech Sacred Geometry Sigil system that empowers you just reading the course! Without these Core Abilities, your manifestations will be poor at best, if you can manifest anything at all.
Foundation THREE - Your style or tradition
Discusses the all-important aspects of choosing a Magical Tradition or Style and the detailing of 40 years of research into the most effective Tradition available to the public. This course reveals the Tradition that has a 98% success rate. It also talks about most other Traditions and their positive and negative aspects.
This is critical knowledge for all those serious about uncovering the mysteries of manifestation, especially beginners and those looking for the most effective Tradition. Is your tradition one of the better ones or a tradition with a huge failure rate? This book tells all!
This is critical knowledge for all those serious about uncovering the mysteries of manifestation, especially beginners and those looking for the most effective Tradition. Is your tradition one of the better ones or a tradition with a huge failure rate? This book tells all!
Foundation four - Supercharging Manifesting!
Learn all kinds of methods to Supercharge your practices to ensure success. Little known and secret methods are offered here, along with 40 years Radionic Tech research.
The Secret method of connecting to your practice area or machine to draw and project instant energy is offered for the first time to the general public. With this secret knowledge you can access awesome powers wherever you are in the world, something most Materialization Scientists lack knowledge of. What good is manifesting power if it can only be accessed at home?
The Secret method of connecting to your practice area or machine to draw and project instant energy is offered for the first time to the general public. With this secret knowledge you can access awesome powers wherever you are in the world, something most Materialization Scientists lack knowledge of. What good is manifesting power if it can only be accessed at home?
Foundation five - trance states
A major key to manifesting success is the ability to break with common reality and activate your Inner Magical Being or Higher Self. This is done by achieving deep Trance States. This Foundation details how this is achieved. If you are unable to alter your consciousness and break with the enslaving common reality, you will never manifest at high levels. Detailed instructions on how to create deep Trance States, with discussions on the use of Light, Sound, Natural Drugs and other modern Shamanic tools.
Foundation Audio Scalar DISC set 1-5
This is a rare opportunity to learn insights and get unique tips directly from the author. Hear and feel the energy from Dr. Thor himself. Listening to this audio is like getting personally trained as well as being personally empowered. No other organization offers such a unique Tool! It is always a treat to meet a powerful person and learn from them directly.With this unique lecture/tool you can FEEL THE POWER and send it to yourself 24/7!
Each Scalar disk has a specially charged Sacred Geometric Sigil on it. You simply insert your photo into the case face down onto the Disk and close the case. Once you've done that, huge amounts of manifesting energy is sent to you 24/7! Easy and powerful! MP3s sent to those that want the digital sound info.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
Each Scalar disk has a specially charged Sacred Geometric Sigil on it. You simply insert your photo into the case face down onto the Disk and close the case. Once you've done that, huge amounts of manifesting energy is sent to you 24/7! Easy and powerful! MP3s sent to those that want the digital sound info.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
manifesting & core abilities
two CELL set - you get both
Core Abilities
Assists Visualization/Meditation Process
These unique Cells are designed to be worn while meditating or visualizing. These are the critical skills you must have. The problem is that few do. These Cells draws energy to your third eye and crown chakras, which in turn promotes deep states of meditation and increased visualization abilities. As with all Cells, this is specially made and empowered only for the user. 100% custom empowered to you!
Exclusive technology connects you to the ultimate spiritual empowerment "stream" and then you "push" this energy into your spiritual and physical energy fields with the use of our exclusive Lasers!
The second Cell is empowered for increasing your manifesting abilities otherwise known as success energies. When you wear it, you start building a strong success energy around yourself. As the M.E.C. Tech Amulet does its work, it starts unblocking you, removing the negative energies that stops success. For success to manifest in your life, it requires the removal of these blockages and then the building of positive energies that draw success to you.
Everyone is searching for the Ultimate Secret of spiritual empowerment, the secret that makes all your manifesting techniques work. People search for grimoires, techniques, spirits and gods for this secret. Yet, time after time they fail. Successful manifesting is a state of being. High Level manifesting is about extreme empowerment, not that obtained by the common people. People fail at all forms of manifesting because they treat manifesting like they are learning in a traditional school. Read a book, follow the instructions and you pass the test. A regular school works like this; true spiritual empowerment does NOT! You must BECOME an empowered being, not learn to be one.
It all comes down to consciousness or inner being control. You must maintain a state of CENTERED consciousness at all times. Most people are on an emotional Pogo stick, bouncing to highs and lows throughout the day and in life, being controlled by society by living in a reactive mentality The Pogo stick of life is a spiritual empowerment DESTROYER!! You cannot access high states of spiritual empowerment until you CENTER your consciousness.
Centering your consciousness brings you everything you require in life, things most find impossible or extremely difficult like Happiness, Perfect Health, No Stress, No Anger, Perfect Clear Thinking, Making Right Decisions, Extreme Long Life, and reaching the state of Gnosis. Centering opens ALL THE SPIRITUAL DOORS of power and to happiness and bliss. Only the Centered controlled mind can access the realms of spiritual power. You cannot go from your job and the common consciousness that forces you into mediocrity to an empowered manifestation scientist that can manifest your desires easily. You may be functioning day to day but inside you are in a chaotic hell you do not understand and cannot control.
This Course reveals all. Centering yourself is not difficult. It does require daily practice for 5 to 20 minutes. Most enjoy this blissful state and extend their practice to 30 minutes twice a day.
Most importantly, you are given a series of Alchemical Sigils that create Centered states of consciousness, Sigils designed to clear the mind and stop it from controlling you with dangerous, worthless thoughts. This is Next Level consciousness shifting like no other. Radionic Tech Sigils push your consciousness into the Centered state.
It all comes down to consciousness or inner being control. You must maintain a state of CENTERED consciousness at all times. Most people are on an emotional Pogo stick, bouncing to highs and lows throughout the day and in life, being controlled by society by living in a reactive mentality The Pogo stick of life is a spiritual empowerment DESTROYER!! You cannot access high states of spiritual empowerment until you CENTER your consciousness.
Centering your consciousness brings you everything you require in life, things most find impossible or extremely difficult like Happiness, Perfect Health, No Stress, No Anger, Perfect Clear Thinking, Making Right Decisions, Extreme Long Life, and reaching the state of Gnosis. Centering opens ALL THE SPIRITUAL DOORS of power and to happiness and bliss. Only the Centered controlled mind can access the realms of spiritual power. You cannot go from your job and the common consciousness that forces you into mediocrity to an empowered manifestation scientist that can manifest your desires easily. You may be functioning day to day but inside you are in a chaotic hell you do not understand and cannot control.
This Course reveals all. Centering yourself is not difficult. It does require daily practice for 5 to 20 minutes. Most enjoy this blissful state and extend their practice to 30 minutes twice a day.
Most importantly, you are given a series of Alchemical Sigils that create Centered states of consciousness, Sigils designed to clear the mind and stop it from controlling you with dangerous, worthless thoughts. This is Next Level consciousness shifting like no other. Radionic Tech Sigils push your consciousness into the Centered state.
Bring Your Manifesting Abilities Up by 90%!!!
Manifesting abilities are a "muscle", a muscle that must be worked daily if you desire high levels of success. If you do not, YOU WILL FAIL! It is just that simple. Manifesting is not about techniques, sigils, spirits, words of power, ancient methods or anything else solely. These are only 15% of the Manifestation sciences. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MANIFESTATION MUSCLE!!
You need to "Pump Manifestation Iron". You need to build the strongest spiritual manifesting muscle possible. This "muscle" makes everything else work! There are simple and very fun ways of doing this. You need to make this part of everyday life. Spiritual muscle is part of your spiritual energy centers that interconnect with the Higher Self. If this Center is not activated daily, you lose "muscle tone" or manifestation abilities, if you had any to start with. You first need to Center your consciousness and than build Spiritual Muscle. This system has been developed by the Guild after 40 years of research.
We have developed "gym" workout tools to bring up your manifesting abilities in a simple easy and FUN way. The fascinating thing about Spiritual Muscle Building tools is their instant feedback. See psychic power in action coming directly from you! No waiting or thinking if it worked or not; you see REAL power manifest directly in front of your eyes instantly! Just the act of doing this supercharges your manifesting abilities!
Secrets Revealed Are:
You need to "Pump Manifestation Iron". You need to build the strongest spiritual manifesting muscle possible. This "muscle" makes everything else work! There are simple and very fun ways of doing this. You need to make this part of everyday life. Spiritual muscle is part of your spiritual energy centers that interconnect with the Higher Self. If this Center is not activated daily, you lose "muscle tone" or manifestation abilities, if you had any to start with. You first need to Center your consciousness and than build Spiritual Muscle. This system has been developed by the Guild after 40 years of research.
We have developed "gym" workout tools to bring up your manifesting abilities in a simple easy and FUN way. The fascinating thing about Spiritual Muscle Building tools is their instant feedback. See psychic power in action coming directly from you! No waiting or thinking if it worked or not; you see REAL power manifest directly in front of your eyes instantly! Just the act of doing this supercharges your manifesting abilities!
Secrets Revealed Are:
- How to Activate the Consciousness Center all Extreme Abilities manifest from.
- How to use everyday items to make Spiritual Muscle building tools from.
- Common items you can buy from $8.00 to $50.00 that can be used as OM building tools. Even better: these are super interesting and fun to use.
- Learn about specially made OM building tools that Radionic Tech offers that bring you up to the next level of extreme abilities.
- Everyone can build the Manifesting Muscle and manifest 90% of their desires!
- Tools that create INSTANT concentration skills and are exciting to use
This is the closest thing to personal teaching from a Grand Master you will get! It's 100 times better as you have guidance to use over and over again. Listening to these audios will take you on a unique spiritual journey of a lifetime. The Grand Master Dr. Thor will share with you the Ultimate Spiritual Empowerment Secret given to him by ascended beings of light to assist humans in reaching gnosis and ascend.Includes exclusive Sound Wave Tech for fast empowerment.
Audio Amulet One - Details the entire Centering process, its critical importance, here and beyond. This is truly a secret few have learned. Not even most high adepts know the secrets in this first audio amulet. It also comes with a unique case sigil forming one part of the Sigils for centering empowerment. This sigil starts you on your journey, opening the path to you and protecting you as you travel the road to Gnosis.
Audio Amulet Two - The lecture from Part I continues for greater understanding into this amazing and powerful practice to master common reality and higher states of consciousness with an important protective sigil to guide you on your path safely. It also includes another Sigil tool for Centering empowerment, designed to used with the other Case/Tools in the centering empowerment series.
Audio Amulet Three - Basic Preparation - Details getting ready to perform the practices detailed in the book. Many tips are given to achieve high states of consciousness for practice fast including how to set up your sacred space, the important factors required for fast altered states and faster greater success in general. It includes another unique Sigil tool for Centering empowerment designed to used with the other Case/Tools.
Audio Amulet Four - Step-by-step instruction on performing practice one. You are guided through the entire practice step-by-step. Many important tips and detailed instruction is provided here.You'll receive yet another Sigil tool for Centering empowerment designed to be used with the other Case/Tools.
Audio Amulet Five - This takes you step-by-step through Practice Two, detailing the proper ways to do the exercises in the book, giving you lots of important instruction required to do these exercises correctly. It includes another unique Sigil tool for Centering empowerment designed to be used with the other Case/Tools.
Audio Amulet Six - The Grand Master takes you on a personal journey into the Centering realms. You are taken step-by-step into deep altered states of consciousness through guided meditations to a Centered reality. This audio amulet will be used often, if not daily. You will be taken through a 10 minute Centering practice and a 30 minute advanced practice. Just listening to the audio brings you into a Centered state like nothing else! It includes the Ultimate Gnosis Centering Sigil, forming another empowerment and stacked on top of the other audio amulets, which creates an awesome power that can shift your consciousness dramatically.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
Audio Amulet One - Details the entire Centering process, its critical importance, here and beyond. This is truly a secret few have learned. Not even most high adepts know the secrets in this first audio amulet. It also comes with a unique case sigil forming one part of the Sigils for centering empowerment. This sigil starts you on your journey, opening the path to you and protecting you as you travel the road to Gnosis.
Audio Amulet Two - The lecture from Part I continues for greater understanding into this amazing and powerful practice to master common reality and higher states of consciousness with an important protective sigil to guide you on your path safely. It also includes another Sigil tool for Centering empowerment, designed to used with the other Case/Tools in the centering empowerment series.
Audio Amulet Three - Basic Preparation - Details getting ready to perform the practices detailed in the book. Many tips are given to achieve high states of consciousness for practice fast including how to set up your sacred space, the important factors required for fast altered states and faster greater success in general. It includes another unique Sigil tool for Centering empowerment designed to used with the other Case/Tools.
Audio Amulet Four - Step-by-step instruction on performing practice one. You are guided through the entire practice step-by-step. Many important tips and detailed instruction is provided here.You'll receive yet another Sigil tool for Centering empowerment designed to be used with the other Case/Tools.
Audio Amulet Five - This takes you step-by-step through Practice Two, detailing the proper ways to do the exercises in the book, giving you lots of important instruction required to do these exercises correctly. It includes another unique Sigil tool for Centering empowerment designed to be used with the other Case/Tools.
Audio Amulet Six - The Grand Master takes you on a personal journey into the Centering realms. You are taken step-by-step into deep altered states of consciousness through guided meditations to a Centered reality. This audio amulet will be used often, if not daily. You will be taken through a 10 minute Centering practice and a 30 minute advanced practice. Just listening to the audio brings you into a Centered state like nothing else! It includes the Ultimate Gnosis Centering Sigil, forming another empowerment and stacked on top of the other audio amulets, which creates an awesome power that can shift your consciousness dramatically.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
Audio One - Introduction / Audio Two - Basic Practices / Audio Three Workouts / Audio Four More Workouts /
Audio Five Advanced Workouts / Audio Six Guided Meditations
Every audio includes a Sacred Geometry Sigil designed to empower you by placing your photo on it. The Audio case serves as this unique tool. Audios initiate you through an exclusive sound wave sigil energy.
Audio Five Advanced Workouts / Audio Six Guided Meditations
Every audio includes a Sacred Geometry Sigil designed to empower you by placing your photo on it. The Audio case serves as this unique tool. Audios initiate you through an exclusive sound wave sigil energy.
This new type of Energy Cell is designed to be placed against your forehead/Third Eye and use the Lasers to stimulate the Manifestation Muscle. This simple process of activating the Manifestation Muscle makes the practices in the course even easier and more powerful. BE CAREFUL!! You may make things fall off shelves, fly around the room, or be able to read minds fast! You simply hold it on the Third Eye for 3 minutes twice a day and activate the Laser for 5 seconds! LOOK OUT!! You will feel and see real power for the first time in your life when combined with the practices in the book. This is ALMOST Hollywood like empowerment, or at least the closest thing to it you will ever see!
Extreme abilities are one of hallmarks and joys of being a Manifesting Scientist. With knowledge of the workings of the various levels of reality comes the ability to shape and mold it to your whim. There are many ways to achieve this state of being but whatever path you take to reach this holy grail of existence, know that the journey can be shortened immensely with the aid of Next Level Manifesting Science.
In this no holds barred two volume set of fantastic knowledge and wisdom, you'll gain access to all of the training you need to develop abilities such as psychokinesis, pyrokinesis, teleportation, creating energy balls that pack a wallop, bio-physical healing and much more.
Develop the ability to read the minds of anyone you desire. This includes the ability to read the deepest darkest secrets of anyone you desire. No one will be able to escape the penetrating power of your telepathic probes, except those manifesting scientists that possess this tome.
In this no holds barred two volume set of fantastic knowledge and wisdom, you'll gain access to all of the training you need to develop abilities such as psychokinesis, pyrokinesis, teleportation, creating energy balls that pack a wallop, bio-physical healing and much more.
Develop the ability to read the minds of anyone you desire. This includes the ability to read the deepest darkest secrets of anyone you desire. No one will be able to escape the penetrating power of your telepathic probes, except those manifesting scientists that possess this tome.
- Activate the ability to powerfully influence objects with your mind and bio-physical energy. This course will reveal secrets of psychokinesis activation that have never been revealed in print anywhere. Develop this ability so that you can protect your loved ones and anyone you desire.
- Learn the secrets of controlling time with spiritual power. Armed with the knowledge presented in this course, you will be able to slow down, speed up or even halt the passage of time around you. Ancient warriors have used these methods for thousands of years.
- Turn yourself into a living battery of bio-physical healing ability with secrets that won't be revealed anywhere else except through Radionic Tech Unleash your innate ability to heal almost any physical, emotional or mental dis-harmony in yourself and others.
- Learn ancient Tibetan secrets of levitation that allow you to float in the air or cause objects in your environment to do the same for a few seconds. If you're an athlete, just imagine the havoc you can wreak against the opposing team. Tap into the power of your bio-physical energy and achieve what few people in history have.
- Go anywhere and do anything with the ability of spiritual teleportation. No longer will physical matter be an obstacle to you once you develop this long coveted ability. Obliterate space and time and go where most people only dream about traveling. The ultimate type of Remote Viewing & Bi-Location.
- Gain insider access to powerful secrets of thought-form creation that allow you to construct thought forms with mind-blowing manifestation power. These secrets will allow you to accelerate your thought form creation abilities by at least 100 percent.
- Want to learn how to throw energy balls that make people turn their heads? You need these secrets to make them work.
- Do you want to learn the secrets of using sorcery and bio-physical to rejuvenate your physical body so that you grow younger each day while your enemies grow older and more senile? You'll only find them in this one-of-a-kind bio-physical sorcery grimoire.
- Attain the blessing power of the saints and the cursing power of the devils when you use this one secret technique. Empower your friends and curse your enemies with raw bio-physical energy power.
- Learn what top remote viewers and top psychics know about developing precognition to extreme levels of accuracy. You can start sensing the future TONIGHT.
- Develop mesmeric powers so forceful that you can literally turn 99% of the population into mindless puppets. You will literally dazzle and compel others to do your bidding.
This is a rare opportunity to learn insights and get unique tips directly from the author that are NOT in the course. As well as, more detailed training on the proper use of the book. Hear and feel his energy! Listening to these audios is like getting personally trained by the author as well as being personally empowered by him. No other organization offer such a unique tool!
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
Imagine having a direct line to the realms of power where endless streams of manifesting power dwell and imagine having the ability to mainline that source and express powerful reality-shifting abilities. Dream no more because Radionic Tech offers this connection. With the Extreme Psychic Power Amulet, you will be able to rapidly develop extreme abilities such as psychokinesis, time manipulation, levitation, psychokinesis, teleportation, invisibility, rapid healing, youth/rejuvenation and so much more.
Develop earth-shaking extreme high levels of psychic power and control the fabric of reality with dedicated training and the awesome potential power of the Extreme Psychic Power Energy Cell.
Exclusive technology connects you to the ultimate spiritual empowerment "stream" and then you "push" this energy into your spiritual and physical energy fields with the use of our exclusive Lasers!
Develop earth-shaking extreme high levels of psychic power and control the fabric of reality with dedicated training and the awesome potential power of the Extreme Psychic Power Energy Cell.
Exclusive technology connects you to the ultimate spiritual empowerment "stream" and then you "push" this energy into your spiritual and physical energy fields with the use of our exclusive Lasers!
This Course is unsurpassed by any other mind power system. Its methods have been used in Ancient Orders around the world for thousands of years and are known to be used in Secret Tibetan Orders in modern times. As with all effective systems, the lessons are short, and detail exact methods without additional "babble" of little use to the student. There are no long, boring history lessons, or endless silly success stories; just hard-core training methods. In modern times, everyone is looking for effective, simple, and easy-to-perform methods that achieve amazing results.
The little-understood secret to manifesting is Energizing or Empowering whatever Thought Form or Visualization you have produced. If you do not do this, manifesting will be difficult, take long periods of time, and will most likely fail. None of the popular methods taught today teach you the secret Energizing methods offered here, which have long been used by the Ancient Lodges of the East.
This course is all about drawing in and super-charging all your Thought Forms, all your mental projections no matter what they are. No matter your need, the methods in this course will show you the best possible way to manifest them in your life as fast as possible. Simple, easy to perform methods that produce miracle results are here for you now! This one simple course will change your life! No silly practices, gods, religion or other silly mysticism, only access to the Universal Power that manifests everything known in the Universe.
The little-understood secret to manifesting is Energizing or Empowering whatever Thought Form or Visualization you have produced. If you do not do this, manifesting will be difficult, take long periods of time, and will most likely fail. None of the popular methods taught today teach you the secret Energizing methods offered here, which have long been used by the Ancient Lodges of the East.
This course is all about drawing in and super-charging all your Thought Forms, all your mental projections no matter what they are. No matter your need, the methods in this course will show you the best possible way to manifest them in your life as fast as possible. Simple, easy to perform methods that produce miracle results are here for you now! This one simple course will change your life! No silly practices, gods, religion or other silly mysticism, only access to the Universal Power that manifests everything known in the Universe.
Your audio disk is ready to empower you with secret information never released to the public before and a powerful Sigil to empower all your visualizations to the highest level! All in a simple easy to use fashion!! Just place your photo in the special case tool and listen!! With Sound Wave Tech for fast empowerment.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
You can now wear and access Tibetan consciousness 24/7 with our Tibetan Energy Spiritual Empowerment Amulet. Tibetans have a unique spiritual connection their tradition has been unbroken for thousands of years. While you cannot go to Tibet and be empowered, you can bring their unique spiritual energy into your life 24/7.
Exclusive technology connects you to the ultimate spiritual empowerment "stream" and then you "push" this energy into your spiritual and physical energy fields with the use of our exclusive Lasers! The Only System of it's kind on the planet!
Exclusive technology connects you to the ultimate spiritual empowerment "stream" and then you "push" this energy into your spiritual and physical energy fields with the use of our exclusive Lasers! The Only System of it's kind on the planet!
This is an Empowered Talismanic Handbook Course, a Mysterious Book of Masters that only an Advanced Manifestation Guild knows how to produce. Filled with secret encoded information, it includes 100 Sacred Geometry Sigils to activate the Inner Magical Being/Higher Self and all your Manifestation Power Centers to reach high states of power in the fastest possible time. The simple act of reading the book and viewing the Sigils connects the reader to realms of knowledge and empowerment few ever access in a lifetime. This is a complete guide on what it takes to become a Master Manifestation Scientist. Many secrets are revealed to those worthy of the knowledge and wise enough to understand the hidden within the obvious. REAL empowerment is not about secret rituals, spells and other techniques; it is about activating your Inner Magical Being, your super manifesting higher self that makes all the techniques work! Few know this secret and even less know how to activate it. This course reveals all the secrets and gives you the secret Sigils that make this advanced process work for you. This is the main part of the Core System Radionic Tech uses to train all of our students. Until your Higher Self is activated, you only achieve base level empowerment that results in only minor success. Once your Inner Magical Being is activated and developed, you can manifest anything you desire.
It details several advanced teaching methods used by Guilds and Mystery Schools to reach the highest levels of empowerment possible. It details everything RadionicTech is involved in, including history, philosophy, beliefs, research, college, and much more. If you are interested in I.G.O.S./Radionic Tech or want to understand our past and present, this Handbook is a must. The information offered here in terms of the organization is historical in nature. The 100 Sacred Geometry Sigils are still the prime reason to own and use the book. The rest is a kind of "bonus" . WE ARE NO LONGER A TRADITIONAL GUILD.
It details several advanced teaching methods used by Guilds and Mystery Schools to reach the highest levels of empowerment possible. It details everything RadionicTech is involved in, including history, philosophy, beliefs, research, college, and much more. If you are interested in I.G.O.S./Radionic Tech or want to understand our past and present, this Handbook is a must. The information offered here in terms of the organization is historical in nature. The 100 Sacred Geometry Sigils are still the prime reason to own and use the book. The rest is a kind of "bonus" . WE ARE NO LONGER A TRADITIONAL GUILD.
We do not have the time to update the Handbook directly. This audio will serve as the update on the Radionic Tech and how it is operating now. Many changes were made in the last few years affecting the way Radionic Tech/I.G.O.S. operates. This audio also details the proper use of the massively powerful sigils in the Handbook with new powerful ways to use them. An exclusive SUPER ACTIVATION Sacred Geometry Sigil is included upon which your photo is placed. Sound Wave Tech empowers your inner and outer reality. NOTHING BEATS THIS COMBINATION OF MANIFESTATION ENERGY TOOLS! MAKES THE PROCESS FAST, EASY AND SIMPLE!! The CD gives you the important updates on the organization of today.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
These are NOT traditional CDs, they are Mini-Machines you place photos in. Sound energy or training is for further empowerment and a bonus. MP3s available for disc that have audio training on them. You need to request them.
Inner Magical
Being Amulet
This unique Energy Cell works to activate the Inner Magical Being and connects you to Radionic Tech Stream of power. It is designed to be worn when you view the 100 Sacred Geometry Sigils in the book. It will triple the effectiveness of the sigil viewing process. The secret to awesome abilities is the activation of the IMB. This process takes years. With Cell use, this is greatly reduced with the Cell activating the IMB as fast as you can handle it.
Exclusive technology connects you to the ultimate spiritual empowerment "stream" and then you "push" this energy into your spiritual and physical energy fields with the use of our exclusive Lasers! The System of it's kind on the planet! The case serves as a Clearing and Empowerment Tool for the all your Cells.
Exclusive technology connects you to the ultimate spiritual empowerment "stream" and then you "push" this energy into your spiritual and physical energy fields with the use of our exclusive Lasers! The System of it's kind on the planet! The case serves as a Clearing and Empowerment Tool for the all your Cells.