Psi Influencing Cell & Kit
Psychic Commanding amulet grants access to Desade's personal realm of power.It also connects you to the "stream" of strong psychic commanding and influence like no other. Each amulet is personally charged by Mr. Desade for the buyer. The photo of the user is on one side of the amulet and the secret influencing/commanding sacred geometry sigil on the other. These Sigils were given to Mr. Desade while travelling through Japan. He trained with several secret groups of Ninjas and Samurais in their art of sigil magic. Each secret order has their own secret sigils. These are offered outside of the secrets orders for the first time. The sigils cannot be seen as they are grouped and covered with other activation sigils. The Sigil is designed to activate strong psychic abilities through the chakras and third eye. The energies start activating strong consciousness abilities that influence all others. This can be used for MANY TYPE OF COMMANDING YOU DESIRE. Not only sexual commanding. There is nothing else like this ever offered before. The energies get stronger and stronger the longer you own the amulet. Hold it while doing any exercise in his books to double the energy of the exercise. After using the amulet for 6 months, it is equal to training in the system for two years.