John Fian Spell Casting Amulet & Kit
There are many types of witchcraft traditions, with the Celtic tradition Fian followed being the most unique one. If you are involved in Celtic/English witchcraft, this amulet draws those types of energies to you. It will dramatically increase your abilities as well as empower any ritual you perform from the book. It is a great deal more than this; being personally connected to a specific Stream initiates you into that form of magic. This opens the door to extreme abilities from that tradition. It normally takes 10 to 20 years of practice to -maybe- access extreme abilities. The amulet empowers you in the fastest time possible. This amulet empowers all Celtic traditions.
The amulet is specially empowered directly to you with your photo on one side to send power and manifesting energy directly to you; the other side has a special Spell Casting Sigil on it. This Sigil is filled with ancient Witchcraft powers linked to the famous Dr. Fian. You hold the amulet and see yourself casting a spell as in a typical ritual. In addition, you write your desire down and when sleeping, you place it on the amulet and voila: YOU JUST CAST A POWERFUL SPELL! Using the amulet in this manner is like performing an ancient witchcraft ritual.