No matter how healthy a person is, we all become sick, to varying degrees and for varying lengths of time. I haven't been sick in 5 years, until recently when came down with a tiny cold. And when I say tiny, I mean that I wanted to sleep in the fetal position until I got better an all I could do was muster whine and complain. After I got the whining and complaining out of my system, I took action. I asked myself " What is it that caused me to get sick?". My subconscious mind provided me with some good answers. I needed to know because once you understand the physical and emotional causes of illness, you have a much greater chance of making the state worse and preventing it from happening again. Next, I took care of all the common actions I needed to help speed up my recovery process: I was feeling run-down, So I reduced my activity levels and close my eyes when I could. I was basically re-directing all of my vital force into the recovery process. Next, I increased my vital force using vital force breathing techniques from The Secret Tibetan Mind Power Course. I did a specific one, 2 times a day. I increased my intake of vitamins and water. Most importantly, I formulated a picture of myself back to my normal levels of energy, feeling amazing and even better than I did before I took sick. Once I did this, I anointed myself with Guild Healing Oil (which you can get through our supplier by clicking this link) so that I could draw healing energies to me to speed up my recovery. I actually wished I had some Healing Soap( which you can by click this link) for all-day healing energy saturation, but lesson learned :/ The result: A cold that would have knocked me on my ass for a few days completely cleared up in a day and a half. You gotta love the power of sorcery! Obviously, bigger health problems need more time and energy to help the body reach homeostasis, but this is just a basic outline of what I did and what I do when sending healing energy to people. Start with small discomforts ( bug-bites and other injuries) and see how quickly Healing oil can help you get over it. You can even use Healing Powder sprinkled in strategic areas to speed up the journey to wellness. Success is all about positive actions that lead you to your desired success, one step at a time. Best and Guild- Strong, Kenyata Long |
So you walk "funny". You act "funny". There's something just a little "off" about you. Sweet! It means you're doing something right. I can't tell you how many times in my life I have people say to me " you are totally different than what you look like". I always respond with a smirk because it's a signal to me that I'm doing "something" right. What's that "something"? It's being different. It's called being an Occult Scientist. We live in a culture where the unspoken measure of success is to become a mindless, useless robot that's not good for anything other than to do what everybody else does. The better you do it, the harder you get f@#ked, however. A part of you smiles at your success while your inner magical being cries because you just set yourself back about 5 years in the process of achieving your mundane societal goals. Good job, sir :( My high school years were filled with adventures, both magical and mundane. While my friends were out chasing tail Friday nights, I was in my room studying the Microcosmic Orbit and practicing Standing on Stake meditation for an hour at a time to develop fighting power. While my peers were wasting their time doing their homework, I was building energy balls, blasting my energy wheel with energy and developing the links between my conscious, sub-conscious, and super-conscious selves. While all my friends were busy trying to be cool and fit in, I was spending my time weaving Money Drawing Fields and developing my psi-abilities. I've always been on the path of the occult, and I'll admit that at times I would get lonely, as my societal peers had their minds focused primarily on common world issues while I had my sights set on developing personal power. It took me 20 years of searching and experimenting, but I was fortunate to find Grandmaster Thor Templar and The Intergalactic Guild of Occult Sciences and the last 2 years have been a awesome roller coaster ride, literally getting better every week and my mind, body and spirit grow stronger and stronger. If you're on the path of the Occult Scientist and you find that sometimes your resolve falters, have hope and rejoice. The Guild is here to guide you to the next level and help you express your most ultimate, super-powerful, bad-ass Self. The new book, Outsiders, the Transhuman Occult Science Experience is one of the many tools that can help you navigate the vast ocean of self-empowerment and get through it safely. Believe me, there are all sorts of trap for the occultist seeking to become a powerful reality-bender. Go down the wrong path and you could end up someplace that you can't turn around and go the way you came back. No matter how awesome you may be on your own, everyone needs support to reach the next level. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Marc Cuban have organizations of people working with them to continuously experience success. I doubt they could attain the level of success that they're experiencing now with a team working with them. Here's what even more awesome: the more powerful you become, the better type of people you attract to help you achieve your goals. You radiate success and experience the benefits. The Guild is here to help you. We celebrate when you succeed! March forward through the darkness and bull-shite to Gnosis, guided by the power of your Inner Magical Being and the assistance of the Guild. Peace, Love, and GUILD STRONG! Kenyata Long #successisateameffort #intergalacticguildofoccultsciences Life happens, although it happens in a more structured manner for the occultist than the common man. Stuff breaks down, people trip and fall, trees land on people, meteors fall from the sky and blast through peoples' chest. Yes, that happened.
As occultists, we know that we can tap into immense stores of energy and shape them to help bend reality to our will by creating fields of energy that help attract our desires to us. One of the absolutely essential tasks of the occultist is to make damn sure that we have powerful fields of protection working for us DAILY. Why daily? Like I say, life happens. Deer jump out of nowhere to play with your car; machines break down just when you need them; everything goes wrong at the worst possible time. The more sensitive you are to the various energies in this world, the more protection you need. With so many energies floating about the astral and physical planes that are detrimental to your goals and safety, you owe it to yourself to start the day with a protection ritual to make sure things go as smoothly as possible. I've neglected this simple action in the past and have paid for it. Protection Spells help create order around you and your loved ones. It's like having your own personal magical energy traffic director working smoothly and quietly in the background. The traffic jams of life that we experience are due in part to low levels of protective energies circulating about us, or a failure to keep those protective energies humming and buzzing. If you haven't yet purchased a few bottle of Protection Oil or Fiery Wall Of Protection through the Guild, don't delay. You can start to experience better luck the moment you start to incorporate them into your own personal protection rituals. They work powerfully to draw protective energies into your aura and keep all that negative shite away from you. Do yourself a favor and purchase some Protection and FWOP soap through the Guilds' supplier for an even more convenient protection solution. Of course, if you find yourself in low-energy situations and hanging around low-energy people daily as a matter of your profession, then you'll need some more protection. If you don't yet have the Traditional Sorcery Course, then you'll want to grab that to learn the basics of Power Protection Spells and how you can set those powerful protection energies to work for you 24/7. Start building a habit of positive self-protection and watch your life go from 0 to 120 in a very short time. Peace, Love, and Guild Strong, Kenyata Long Author I've been " in the game" a long time now (over 20 years now) and I seen a lot and done quite a bit. It was only last year however, that I discovered the runes. I had come across them from time to time during my occult journey, just writing them off as "some incomplete letters that somebody was too lazy to complete...". And then I discovered the Rune Sorcery Course and began practicing the various rune postures with proper intent. And my world has been changed ever since. Since consciously (and SAFELY) contacting the runes and gratefully using the power they lend me, I've become healthier, my ability to connect with random strangers and see into their souls has increased even more and opportunities for wealth-building pop up for me DAILY. Sounds awesome, right? It is!! And here's the rub... The runes are keys to the energies of CREATION. They represent the forces that create the universe. And by tapping into these forces, you draw this incredible power into your Self and use it for your own purposes. This is awe-inspiring in itself. But here's where the problem can occur: If you haven't developed enough spiritual discipline, you run the risk of "just doing shit", using the runes for things you're probably not supposed to. The power that you draw in through the runes can be intoxicating. I remember the first time I connected deeply and powerfully with a particular rune. In that moment, I felt an amazing sense of joy, and I actually giggled. It was a powerful feeling of accomplishment, much the same way you feel when you conquer that challenge you've been going through. Tapping these awesome forces is safe when you do it RIGHT. The more disciplined you are, the better you will fare. Once you begin applying the runes to all the various areas of your life, you will begin to get a glimpse of what it mean when we say that their uses are LIMITLESS. As an example, I woke up this morning and I felt a little "off". My energies felt like they were at a level 3 out of 10. That's no bueno, so I asked my Self " what can I do to bring my energies up to where I like them to be?" The answer came back shortly: "...Work with the runes and do some galdoring /runic chi kung." This is I did quickly. I pulled out my Rune Sorcery Course and Connected with the runes as instructed.; I spent 5 minutes focusing on a specific rune, assuming it's posture and focusing on its energy frequency. I was only going to work with this specific rune, but my intuition told me to work with another specific rune, so I worked with them both n a specific way. When all was said and done, I felt more like myself; I was up to about an 8. I put everything out of my mind and I head out to the grocery store. On the way there, I still don't feel quite like my usual self, so I focus on the particular rune and chant the galdor while speeding on the expressway. 10 minutes later I'm at the grocery store. I checking my shopping list, which I text to myself and I notice a text from a person I've been in contact with for a few months I hadn't heard from them in 2 months. I check the text and it's Person A; they have a gig they'd like for me to work and it pays over 250.00 dollars. What's more; One of the cute ladies that hands out samples of food gave me a really awesome product idea that I'm working on as we speak. We had a good conversation and because we were radiating lots of good energy, more and more people started gravitating towards us. We became the center of attention. In fact, these two runes that I asked for help do aid you increasing your personal magnetism. Is it worth it to spend a few minutes each day tapping into your intuition and working SAFELY with the runes in order to make life a little bit easier and more fun? Absolutely it is. The moral of this story: Magic works when you DO IT right and safely. If you haven't yet grabbed a copy of the Rune Sorcery Course from The Guild, then I highly recommend that you do so as quickly as you can. You'll be extremely pleased that you did. Best to you and Guild Strong! Kenyata Long
If you're like me, then you spent a great deal of your childhood (let's be honest, a good part of your day now...) reading comic books and wishing you had the same superpowers as your fave hero/villain.
Comic books are one of the reasons I study the hidden side of life. One of my all time fave heroes is The Dark Knight, Batman. I was watching some anime and batman popped into my mind (Batman v superman comes out March 25!!!!) and it suddenly clicked in my mind that he would make an unstoppable mage. Here's why: 1) He's physically fit. Being in good shape in necessary not only for projecting the powerful energies you draw into yourself, but you need good physical health in order to continuously work toward your goals. Remember, magic is a boost, not a replacement. 2) He has massive wealth - I don't think I need to say why good income is awesome for sorcerors, but I'll say it anyway: Having flows of income will allow you to experience your life to the fullest AND allow you to buy all the sorcery materials you need, which will in turn help you grow as a magus and a person! This is one of the reasons you must be performing Money Drawing Rituals many times during each month. I make sure to keep my stock of Money Oil and Money Drawing Oil filled to help power my rituals. I suggest you do the same. You can grab your own formulas through the Rituals and supplies page by clicking here. 3) His highly trained intellect - while brawn and wealth are awesome, they are not enough. You need a high trained brain, meaning that both your left brain abilities and right brain abilities must be developed to the maximum potential they can express. The Tibetan Mind Power Course can help you develop your full brain potential. 4) Application of knowledge - this comes from having a highly trained brain and highly developed willpower. By applying his inner power and combining it with his awesome mind, he's been able to defeat beings such as Superman. 5) Highly developed willpower - being a sorceror, you fully realize the importance of having highly developed willpower. If not, here are a few reasons why: A) You need willpower to keep taking the necessary actions to achieve your goals, at least when you’re just starting to develop new, positive habits. Once these habits are on “automatic”, you then have the luxury of re-directing your massive stores of will power to other important agendas. B) By having your will power developed you can take full control of your astral, emotional, mental, and physical bodies. With control over your Hidden Bodies, you can literally have anything you want. I believe this is one of many reasons why Ancient Mystery Schools held self control in high esteem: Imagine having the power to achieve ANYTHING you desire: how fucked up would life be if you just chased every desire that popped into your mind? These are just a few reasons why Batman aka Bruce Wayne is a perfect candidate for Sorceror Supreme. So how can you continually grow stronger and take your magical life to the next level? Here's how: 1) Have a daily fitness training program and FOLLOW it. Daily structured physical activity will not only increase your health and vitality, but it will also increase your will power and your ability to handle the various raw magical energies waiting for you to tap them. A simple way to increase your fitness levels for free is to start a basic muscular endurance program: Stretch every single muscle 10 pushups 10 situps 10 squats 10-15 minute walk/jog at a challenging pace. If these numbers are too easy for you, then pick number that will challenge YOUR body and do them daily. If not daily, then at least 3 times a week. 2) Make a list of your resources and USE THEM. Having knowledge and not applying it is the kiss of death and will put you on the path to failure. Being able to utilize what's available to you RIGHT NOW will build powerful habits that will serve when you're able to utilize different resources. 3) Develop your willpower - willpower is an unstoppable force that you have access to right now, and the really awesome thing about being a sorceror is that we grow more powerful as we age, more specifically our power to impose our will on the Multiverse around us. Think of the plant that grows up through the asphalt and you'll have an idea as to the amount of willpower you can generate and utilize. Developing your Will power is key for life success. Here are a few suggestions for you: 1) Whenever you're hungry, delay satisfying your hunger for as long as you can. Obviously, if you have a physical condition that requires that you eat frequently, use your discretion and eat some friggin' food!! 2) Do those actions that you DON'T want to do - by taking control of your physical and forcing it to do what it doesn't want to do, you will continue to gain control over your Astral, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. 3) Become your own boss - being your own is more than just earning money doing what you like; it gives you the opportunity to help raise the energy level of the Multiverses by helping in the way God created you to help. You also free up more time for the development of your Selves. 4. Train your Inner Magical Being by using the sigils in the IGOS Handbook. The inner magical being, like your physical body, becomes stronger with use. Use these tips to take control of your magical journey and embody your true, powerful self. God Bless, Kenyata Demons, Fallen angels, no matter what the dark spirits call themselves, any magician/sorceror worth his/her salt is able to command them to help him to do his bidding. Notice that I use the word HELP. These entities are energy, plain and simple. Being an occultist, we use all forms of energy to accomplish our ends down here on the earth plane. Demons and Fallen Angels are like bolts of lightning and they have to be directed with clarity and caution. I've worked with demons off and on over the decades, and I've always had positive experiences with them. I've also had some great mentoring and direction from GrandMaster Thor Templar right here at The Intergalatic Guild Of Occult Sciences. If you're going to work with Demons and Fallen Angels, you're going to need a few essential items to do so safely and remain negative-incident and death- free:
There's a few pointers that I'll share with you that will help you work with them safely and experience powerful results: 1. Make sure that you work your ass off as you are commanding them to help you materialize your goals. If a person could sit on their ass and just summon and commnad demons to do their bidding, this world would be a scarier place than it already is. All success in life is the result of consistent effort on the material plane and the energetic planes. 2. Make sure that you have a clear outcome that you want to experience. Summoning demons into your life and commanding them to "bring you money" is like asking someone whose going to give you money already to give you money. Demons are similar to human beings and they can change their minds if they want. In my experience, I've had the best results commanding demons NOT to help me materialize my endgame or "big picture", but the little steps along the way that need to be materialized for the big picture to materialize. Of course, using Demons in this manner requires tht\at you FIRST determine your big picture outcome. What will you see, hear, and feel when your big picture has materialized? Once you you have the big picture, you have to create an action plan that will help you experience that. Don't get me wrong: there are some Big Picture materializations that you can make real without doing the little steps in between. This can be determined by doing propepr divination beforehand. You may not even need the assistance of a demon, but may require the aid of the Angelic Forces. 3. You must COMMAND demons to do as you wish. I always feel a combination of pity and sorrow when I read experiences posted by people on online "magick" forums and they mention how they wear the seal of the specific demon they've been working with as a form of repayment. Whether they realize this or not, this is a form of worship and in this sorceror-entity dynamic, the demon is the one in control. Those people are just one ritual away from blood sacrificing, if they're not careful to banish and start the work from scratch, meaning they need to cut all ties with the demon and distance themselves from it completely for a time. They may even want to seek aid from an outside source. As sorcerors, we command the forces of the universe, not the other way around. Part of being a sorceror entails being a magus, which means "wise". Wisdom is knowledge, but not all knowledge is power until you use it in the right context. When you've contacted the force you're looking for, COMMAND it by the power of God Almighty to do your bidding. You can reward it later as you wish, but don't worship them. Worship puts you in the position of inferiority at the energetic level. This can open you up to possession by these entities. 4. Make sure that you have the proper translation of the grimoire that you're using to summon and command demons. If you're using some free edition that you got off the internet, you're probably running the risk of being possessed. Magick is an ART form, and if you want to make the best art, you want to have the very best tools available to you, don't you? I highly recommend that you visit the Intergalatic Guild of Occult Sciences Books and Course page and invest in their editions of the most famous grimoires. They have been translated by a seasoned occultist and they are safe. They use the Guild's sigil system, which allows you to connect to the demon you desire to command INSTANTLY. 5. When you're commanding demons to do your will, remember that when you doing workings to draw money to you, money doesn't always come in the form of cash. Money can come in the form of more time and gifts. For instance, I did a Money drawing spell and within 24 hours I recieved a book worth 20 dollars, in addition to the money I needed. Money also comes in the form of opportunities to make more money. Don't narrow your vision and only look for cash and diamonds. 6. Banish before and after every working with a Demon. They like to hang around and cause havoc. They are a very dense form of energy-intelligence, which is why they are suited to working for drawing money and inciting lust. This energy can make life very annoying for you. You may experience things like items disappearing and staying gone for long periods of time and foggy thinking. Don't take any chances, especially if you have family living with you in your home, Banish the FUCK out of your space before and after the workings. 7. I generally do Luck Enhancing Rituals while I'm commanding a demon to do my bidding, just because I like to stack the deck in my favor. This speeds up the materialization of my desires tremendously. You've contacted the demon who is directing their powerful energies into this reality on your behalf and it's YOUR duty to clear the paths for this energy to flow back to with a return flow of goodies. Act on any hunches and new ideas that make themselves known to you diuring your working. 8. Do your demon workings during the waxing moon period. Some people say that they have good results regardless of the moon phase, while some people like me have excellent results during the waxing moon phase. Perhaps is due to innate energy sensitivity. This is what works for me, experiment and discover what works for you. 9. I've done some surfing of the inter-webs and I've noticed a startling new trend: there are dumbasses that actually worship demons, performing evocations without proper protection measures in place. Needless to say, do NOT evoke demons and fallen angels without proper measures in place, unless you want to kill yourself, your friends, your family, etc. Never let a demon fool you into thinking that it's your friend; the opposite is true, as they feed off the suffering of humanity, much in the same way a person sits down to enjoy a meal. Follow these guidelines when working with Demons and Fallen Angels and you will experience the most powerful and positive results imaginable. Best to you, Kenyata Long The ancient Chinese sorcerers, warriors and sages of times past were renowned in their knowledge of the magical arts and the healing arts. Just ask the samurai warriors who used powerful magic to bend reality to their iron wills and cut down the foes left and right. if you don't yet have the Samurai Magic Grimoire, you should grab a copy of that ASAP. Do you know obtaining a positive healing result is a form of manifestation? Well, it is. Any result that you experience as a result of the projection of your energies ( or extra- body energies) and your intentions is manifestation. The ancient Chinese healers knew that one of the keys to manifesting anything you desire was to obtain near perfect health and vitality. They knew that a healer/doctor with sub-par stores of vital force would have a difficult time obtaining positive healing results. Part of the secret of their healing successes was the very fact that their energy fields were brimming over with excess vital force, which the patient could use unconsciously/consciously. So in case you "missed it", having a excess of vital force greatly aids your ability to materialize your goals in these two ways: 1: Your ability to take the necessary actions to materialize your goals expands 2. You are able to pump more emotional power into your thought-form magnets 3. Your energy field becomes a magnet, attracting other high energy people (lower vitality people will be drawn to you as well, but this post won't be about vampirism, whether intentional or unintentional.) There are more ways in which high-vital force helps you attract and create the life you desire, but these 3 points give you enough to chew on, don't you think? If you don't yet have the IGOS manifestation Foundations Course, then you'll want to grab them as soon as you can. The powerful sigils will aid you TREMENDOUSLY in achieving any goal you desire. So remember, make it your duty to keep your vital force levels high at all times and keep your emotions happy and bright and you will attract anything you desire. The key to keeping your vital force high is to become aware of the fact when you're vital force is low. This will come with practice and experience. You'll be able to sense what activities drain you or energize you. Practice makes perfect! Best, Kenyata Long Hi All, Let me set this story up for you with a little back story: It was a Friday afternoon and I had been honing my magical; skills throughout the day, peering into the recesses of my soul and finding those aspects of my Self that I want to transmute into Spiritual Gold. I hit pay dirt and began the work. At the end of the day, I decided to contact Venutian Angel. It was Friday and this day is the day of venutian angels. Our society is set up and follows the paths of these universal energy streams, as evidence by the fact that we choose Fridays as the day to socialize and mingle with others, should you be so inclined. So I did a "quick" ritual (about 10 minutes, including banishing and invocation. I anointed myself with high grade Venus Oil (you can purchase through the IGOS by clicking here). You can purchase the exact Angelic Grimoire Of Honorius I used to do this SAFELY through IGOS as well. You can grab your copy by clicking here. Anywhoo, after I end my ritual, I decided to break my magical state and go for a drive. I end up at a beach/park close to my home. As I make my over to a park bench facing the water and start to get comfortable , I notice a very attractive young woman (she was blonde and athletic, just like I like 'em) making her way toward me. As she got closer, I could see that she was young (upon investigation, she's actually 20 years old). I'm 36 by the way and decent looking, if that helps. Being a stranger, I expect her to keep walking on her way, but to my pleasant surprise, she actually stops what she's doing and she sit down RIGHT NEXT TO ME. We begin a conversation. We maintain deep eye contact the entire time and she gets closer and closer to me with every passing minute. Long story short, SHE offers her phone number to ME without my asking. She tells me to call her anytime I want and she'll meet me at this exact spot. I say sure, I will do that. Now, I was genuinely surprised (I've seen and done ALOT in my short life thus far) at the interaction until I took a step back and asked myself: "What did I do with my energies that made her..." and before I could finish the thought, I remembered the Angelic Invocation ritual I had just performed 20 minutes before. Of course, I did enhance my energy field with the techniques from my new book Mind Screwing as well. The combination of the two different energetic approaches created a powerful sexual energy vortex around me which attracted this horny young college co-ed. Of course, having a high grade magical formula created and energized by a experienced organization added more fire to the mix. Remember, the venutian angels are not just about sex, but they are also powerful sources of friendly energies. Those energies are also associated with wealth-building and money-drawing. 99% of men that socialize with the intent to meet someone don't realize that you have to radiate some degree of friendly (and sexual energies) before you can project those energies to the people around you. The morals of this story: When you draw and and shape the appropriate energies for the goals that you have, then MAGIC happens. When you follow the steps that successful occultists take, you will achieve success. Peace and Love, Kenyata Long |
Grand-master Thor Templar
Dr.Thor Templar has authored over 25 books on the manifesting sciences and has pioneered many advances in the world of the manifesting and alternative technology. Archives
September 2024