Sometimes after long days of ritual work and other mundane daily tasks , i find that it's actually refreshing to turn off my conscious mind, sit back to enjoy the fruits of my labors and look for random movies on Netflix. Work hard, play somewhat roughly.
While looking for something new and exciting, I came across this movie called "the cobbler" starring Adam Sandler. After putting aside my desire to ignore it based on the title and the main actor, I hit play. After about 5 minutes and talk of angels, I was happy I did. There are about 5 movies that I've ever watched over the course of my 30 years of living that I would watch more than 3 times and this is one of them.
The movie is about a middle aged cobbler whose dissatisfied with his lot in life. He recalls a story that his father, a master cobbler, told him about the stitching machine that has been passed down throughout his family for several generations and how it was gifted to their family by an angel. Sandler decides to break out this stitching machine and discovers that any shoes stitched with this empowered machine becomes enchanted, causing the wearer to assume the form of the owner of said shoes. Hilarity ensues.
What I like about this movie:
1. It offers a somewhat reaslistic representation of the mechanics of shape shifting ( yes, it's a movie and the execution is extremely exaggerated, but they are present nonetheless). This skill invokes the manipulation of the etheric body using special practices with the end result being that those around you perceive you to be something/someone else. The guild will provide exact instructions on how to perform this feat of magic in future titles.
2. The deeper theme at work here is what happens when a person receives an ability and uses it without having the necessary maturity to utilize it.
3. It shows the occultist the possibilities that are open to him/her with an understanding of the Occult sciences.
So, the question that's probably hanging in the air: is it possible to make a magical stitching machine that would give you the ability to assume the form of anyone you desire? Maybe... and maybe the guild has these particular secrets....
Only time will tell ;)
Kenyata Long