Common tools of the Feng shui trade are various types of statuary (dragons, turtles, phoenix, etc), water features, bells, chimes, crystals and more.
Of course, this maybe an oversimplification of the process for those of you who are familiar with this Noble occult science and you're exactly right: as an occult scientist, I strive to reduce the various phenomena in the universes down to their most basic elements so that I can understand them better and ultimately increase my understanding of how subtle energies build physical reality, is all.
To simplify the art even more, essentially what a person is doing is optimizing the flow of a particular energy into their environment through the neutralization of detrimental energies and the increasing of the desired energies, as the optimized flow of money drawing energies into your environment. In a sense, the Feng Shui expert is turning his/ her home into a altar that radiates ( and so attracts) one or more types of energies.
When you're dealing with any of the Occult arts that come out of the east, you have to take into consideration the principles of yin and yang and feng Shui is no different. This post is not intended to delve that deeply into the matter however; we may provide these details in one of our Radionic Consciousness Devices in the near future.
So why would a person want to optimize the flow of positive energies into their home for rapid manifestation and protection? Because optimizing the flow of positive energies into your home increase how quickly you can manifest your desires tee hee hee. Remember that because we live on this dense physical plane and it takes a relatively large amount of energy to make a dent ( so to speak), anything that we can do to create a zone of helpful energies from which to perform rituals is a godsend.
To put this into terms with which western occultist will better resonate: imagine for a second that a particular room in your home seems to easily attract negative energies, making life for anyone who enters it and stays there for any period of time unbearable. Lets say that you done your energetic diagnostics and determined that the problem stems from an overabundance of the water element in that particular room. Knowing this to be the problem for sure, you seek to counteract that excess of water energy with a modicum of fiery energy ( careful!).
To make some connections, lets say that the water element is Yin and Fire is yang (which they are). From this point, you would find objects and colors ( AKA vibrations) that radiate necessary amount of fire energy into the room in question and place them in certain areas in that place to at least neutralize the negative (over-abundance) watery energies. For this particular purpose, you may want to use a fiery yang symbol such as a dragon. Experimentation is a rule here, as with anything that calls for the manipulation of environmental subtle energies.
Now I know many of you are probably wondering: "Can I *do* Feng Shui if I haven't studied the art?". The answer: Yes and No. It's "yes" because you already do Feng shui everyday, whether you're magically inclined or not; when you're sitting down in a particular spot and you don't like the direction in which you're sitting so you move to a "better" spot, you're doing feng shui. "NO" because to fully understand the art of environmental subtle energy manipulation, you have to spend loads for time studying the various tools of that particular trade. In addition, it helps to have a basic understanding of how to manipulate the flow of your own internal energies.
So here's a few tips that you can use right now to improve the flow of energy in your space:
1. Stand in the middle of any room in your home and with your eyes closed, sense from which direction you feel the most vulnerable. Doing this simple sensing exercise in every room in your home will most likely yield different areas of vulnerability. If you're finding that you seem to sense the same weak direction in every room, consider the possibility that you may have a hole in your energy fields.
Once you've determined individual weak spots, you can use whatever energies you're familiar with to increase the protective energies of the direction in question. When you've done you're thing, go back to the center of the room and sense the room to see how well you "fixed" the problem. Repeat until you feel completed protected in that room from every direction.
2. Bring item that represent ( radiate) the type of energy that you want to attract into the space in question. Of course, you want to cleanse these items before you place them so they radiate that particular shape energy as cleanly as possible.
3. Invest in one of our Sacred Space altar cloths and place a Polaroid picture of your home in the center in order to maximize the levels of success energies that flow into your home.
Feng Shui is a fascinating article worth the time to understand how we can apply it's principles to our overall goal of manifesting that which we desire faster and faster.
Guild Strong!
Kenyata Long