Comic books are one of the reasons I study the hidden side of life.
One of my all time fave heroes is The Dark Knight, Batman.
I was watching some anime and batman popped into my mind (Batman v superman comes out March 25!!!!) and it suddenly clicked in my mind that he would make an unstoppable mage.
Here's why:
1) He's physically fit. Being in good shape in necessary not only for projecting the powerful energies you draw into yourself, but you need good physical health in order to continuously work toward your goals. Remember, magic is a boost, not a replacement.
2) He has massive wealth - I don't think I need to say why good income is awesome for sorcerors, but I'll say it anyway:
Having flows of income will allow you to experience your life to the fullest AND allow you to buy all the sorcery materials you need, which will in turn help you grow as a magus and a person! This is one of the reasons you must be performing Money Drawing Rituals many times during each month. I make sure to keep my stock of Money Oil and Money Drawing Oil filled to help power my rituals. I suggest you do the same. You can grab your own formulas through the Rituals and supplies page by clicking here.
3) His highly trained intellect - while brawn and wealth are awesome, they are not enough. You need a high trained brain, meaning that both your left brain abilities and right brain abilities must be developed to the maximum potential they can express. The Tibetan Mind Power Course can help you develop your full brain potential.
4) Application of knowledge - this comes from having a highly trained brain and highly developed willpower. By applying his inner power and combining it with his awesome mind, he's been able to defeat beings such as Superman.
5) Highly developed willpower - being a sorceror, you fully realize the importance of having highly developed willpower. If not, here are a few reasons why:
A) You need willpower to keep taking the necessary actions to achieve your goals, at least when you’re just starting to develop new, positive habits. Once these habits are on “automatic”, you then have the luxury of re-directing your massive stores of will power to other important agendas.
B) By having your will power developed you can take full control of your astral, emotional, mental, and physical bodies. With control over your Hidden Bodies, you can literally have anything you want. I believe this is one of many reasons why Ancient Mystery Schools held self control in high esteem:
Imagine having the power to achieve ANYTHING you desire: how fucked up would life be if you just chased every desire that popped into your mind?
These are just a few reasons why Batman aka Bruce Wayne is a perfect candidate for Sorceror Supreme.
So how can you continually grow stronger and take your magical life to the next level? Here's how:
1) Have a daily fitness training program and FOLLOW it. Daily structured physical activity will not only increase your health and vitality, but it will also increase your will power and your ability to handle the various raw magical energies waiting for you to tap them.
A simple way to increase your fitness levels for free is to start a basic muscular endurance program:
Stretch every single muscle
10 pushups
10 situps
10 squats
10-15 minute walk/jog at a challenging pace.
If these numbers are too easy for you, then pick number that will challenge YOUR body and do them daily. If not daily, then at least 3 times a week.
2) Make a list of your resources and USE THEM. Having knowledge and not applying it is the kiss of death and will put you on the path to failure.
Being able to utilize what's available to you RIGHT NOW will build powerful habits that will serve when you're able to utilize different resources.
3) Develop your willpower - willpower is an unstoppable force that you have access to right now, and the really awesome thing about being a sorceror is that we grow more powerful as we age, more specifically our power to impose our will on the Multiverse around us.
Think of the plant that grows up through the asphalt and you'll have an idea as to the amount of willpower you can generate and utilize.
Developing your Will power is key for life success. Here are a few suggestions for you:
1) Whenever you're hungry, delay satisfying your hunger for as long as you can. Obviously, if you have a physical condition that requires that you eat frequently, use your discretion and eat some friggin' food!!
2) Do those actions that you DON'T want to do - by taking control of your physical and forcing it to do what it doesn't want to do, you will continue to gain control over your Astral, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.
3) Become your own boss - being your own is more than just earning money doing what you like; it gives you the opportunity to help raise the energy level of the Multiverses by helping in the way God created you to help. You also free up more time for the development of your Selves.
4. Train your Inner Magical Being by using the sigils in the IGOS Handbook. The inner magical being, like your physical body, becomes stronger with use.
Use these tips to take control of your magical journey and embody your true, powerful self.
God Bless,