How many times have you manifested a certain circumstance, only to discover that everything just wasnt *exactly* how you waited it to be?
Ive been there and done that and still do to a certain degree. I kept making the same mistake for years, always manifesting what I desired but finding that "something" was missing.
What was that something? The details!
When you are visualizing with the intention to create/ attract new circumstances, you have to take the time to include the details in your rituals. For instance, if you want to attract a new home that you will be completely happy in, you have to create that home in your mind down to the exact color of the walls, the length and width of the doors, the size of the kitchen sink, etc.
This is one of the reasons why we lay so much importance on the foundations of magical creation such as visualization and attention to detail. It also requires patience. This is one of the reasons why the ancient mystery schools stressed the importance of the control the physical body. By developing patience, you gain the ability to focus in on the details and thus enhance your ability to create your perfect circumstances. By the way, if you're having trouble with creating powerful thoughtforms that shape the environment around you, then the Secret Tibetan Mind Power Course can help you fix that in a very short period of time.
So apply this thinking to the last thing you manifested into your life that's important to you:
Did you feel rushed as you visualized?
Are you completely happy with what you "got"?
If you answered yes to either question, then use the following tips to boost your manifestation abilities:
1. Realize that it takes time and energy to bring your desired outcomes to fruition. As such, be sure that what you want it truly what you want to experience and take the time to fill in those details that are important to you on the mental level.
2. If you're taking advantage of the sigils in the guild's "What Can I Manifest" foundation tool, be sure to use them as prescribed, as they will assist you tremendously with your manifestation processes.
3. Pretend that magic doesn't exist. Work your ass off on this physical plane to make it easier for the energies you've set into motion on the mental-astral planes to "come down" and assist you on this plane.
4. Have fun while you "wait". Laughter is a powerful energy that acts like astral nitrous oxide to help blast you and your goals together quicker than you can shake your ritual dagger at that astral critter that thinks you didn't notice hanging out in the corner...
So slow your ass down and fill in all the details and reap the benefits.
Kenyata Long