The first step one must take when they find themselves worrying is to interrupt that response. Because emotions are energy and we what we radiate, the person that habitually worries themselves with negative outcomes that may never occur will attract more worry-laden thoughtforms to themselves. In addition, worry tends to be accompanied by his scrawny annoying older cousin, fear.
Once we cancel out the worry-radiation, we can install positive radiations. How do we do that? By doing rituals! Positive action is the best way to install hope and success into your energy field.
For instance:
1. If you're "worried" that you won't have enough money to pay your bills on time ( or at all), then do a money drawing ritual.
2. If you're worried that your partner might leave you, then assess whether or not you should really be together and perform the appropriate rituals to fix the situation. You can even use use the sigils and secret techniques in my new book, Mind Screwing, to change that relationship into the one you desire, if that's what you wish.
3. If you're "worried" about your health, then start exercising and perform monthly longevity and health rituals.
4. If you don't yet have the Secret Tibetan Mind Power Course, then you're missing out on some cutting edge mind power technology that will allow you to take control of your thoughts and steer them where you want them to be.
Don't have faith; take action!
Kenyata Long,