If you're an occultist and you're reading this now, be grateful to the higher powers for guiding you to the Guild, a group of like minded people whose mission is to empower the individual so that they can break Free of the matrix and it's useless illusions that suck you dry and give you nothing in return.
If you're a non-occultist and you're just curious and want to learn more, here's a few simple ways that you can begin to break Free of this slave matrix more and more everyday:
1. Turn off your television. Start by depriving yourself of this drug little by little, missing your favorite show and increasing the decrease from there.
2. Turn off the radio and listen to the thoughts in our head. Remember, songs are just spells that have catchy tune. Every single song is designed to make you feel a certain feeling and because we tend to act from our feeling nature, this means that most people are truly not in control of their being, as much as they would like to think they are.
3. Let everything in your life that drains your energy without giving you anything in return fade away and wither into nothingness. We cannot progress on the higher levels of the spiritual plans without a sound mind and robust body. If you're thinking that you can just build up vital Force daily and piss it away in the matrix, then you're wrong, because you're only providing the matrix with it's preferred power source: your blood, sweat and tears.
4. Empower yourself more and more everyday. The Guild has created some amazing occult technology and we are glad to share it with those who wish to be free - truly Free.
5. Always act in accordance with your inner magical being. This being has been with you since the beginning of your creation and only wants what is best for you.This is one of the primary reasons why some magical rituals just don't work, no matter how much energy you draw in and project; it's because the inner magical being knows that this manifestation could set you back years, even DECADES.
The first step to breaking the toes that bind is to become aware of them. What in your life is holding you back from becoming the being that the Creator indeed for you to become?
Guild Strong,
Kenyata Long