The Guild been working the highly revised Samurai Magic Grimoire for sometime. It has turned into a complete system of two volumes that offers ancient secrets never revealed before. This awesome complete system is easy to use and no occultist should be without it. It is the only Japanese magical text available in English. We know of no other Japanese magical text available period. Anyone can use this text. No special skill is required. We show you everything you need to know and empower you with Samurai energy. WOW!
Vintage Custom Good Luck Charms in multi-colors and charged for two weeks by the Grand master himself for a great price!
Your name is custom imprinted into the metal of the Good Luck Charm. See the photo of the Charm. These are than empowered on the Grand Master's Altar for two weeks for your desire and personal use. A custom empowered Good Luck Charm for a super low cost! WOW! Beautiful metal Charms available nowhere else! Will last a lifetime. Own a Charm empowered by the Grand Master at a great low cost! Gold for Drawing Wealth/Money... Red for Drawing Love... Bright Green For Success In General.. Blue for Protection.. Silver Metallic for Psychic Abilities or your Custom desire.. SEE OCCULT TOOL PAGE.... Years in the planning the Ultimate Justice System is here! Go to the Occult Power Tool page for complete details. These deadly Systems are the Ultimate in Justice. They takes months to prepare and only two a year will be offered. The technology used in this System is cutting edge and offered nowhere else. CHECK IT OUT!
For years the Guild has been trying to find a way to bring Grand Master Thor and Guild empowerment to you directly. Something you can draw power from when you need it or just have this energy around you at all times. The Triforce Systems are one way. But, even here you cannot carry it with you.
The Grand Master Thor Amulet solves this problem. Carry it with 24/7, hold it in times of need and draw support, protection and success to you. Owning the Amulet is like having Grand Master Thor do rituals for you! Never be without help. Have direct contact to Guild and Grand Master Thor energies 24/7 no matter where you are in the universe! GO TO OCCULT POWER TOOL PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION Guild instruction booklets with Sigils to activate your own powerful Radionic machine coming soon. New Guild tech will give you everything you need in a powerful printed book to easily build a powerful empowered Radionic Machine at the 10th of the cost of buying one. With IGOS Tech manuals ANYONE can easily build the most advanced radionic machine from parts easily obtained online anywhere in the world. For less than $!00.00 in parts you can build the finest radionic machine available without any skill whatsoever.
The key is a simple delivery system used in the correct manner with the ALL IMPORTANT empowerment Sigils that make everything work. The days of complicated costly machines are GONE!! NEXT LEVEL MAGICAL RADIONICS IS HERE!! Manuals coming soon. If you desire reading information only copies of some of the old Guild books they are available as PDFs for a very low cost. These are NOT empowered in anyway. They can be useful as general information that can carried and electronically read for basic information. Reading and carrying a large book has its limitations. These are in no way replacements for empowered books. These are extra copies for ease of reading. You miss the empowerment, initiation and the all-important connection to the Guild.
Pirated copies have been around for years. These have strong curses on them. If have some delete ASAP and get the Guild PDF. This removes the curse and make the info safe to use. The PDFs cost are very low usual around $2.00 to $5.00 some a bit higher. Many are very crude copies. Go to the list at the bottom of the Book and Course page for details. We welcome all members to have these copies. These are offered to the general public as well. Fully updated directory allows for fast viewing and ordering of Guild products. No need to hunt on the website from page to page. Use the Directory on the Home Page and get to Guild products fast and easily. More pages added often.. A fantastic directory like no other!
The Intergalactic Radionic Federation is here!! Cutting Edge occult and healing radionics for the advanced student of Subtle Energy Technologies. Lots to be added to the site soon. This will be the place for all new developments in radionics. Not a sales page or an old stupid non-proven radionic information. Cutting Edge new research done by the professional in the industry IGOS. Coming will be documented proof of radionics working. What is really in Radionic machines and lots more. Including free training courses and audios detailing radionics in the 21 century. Outer Order members get a host of fantastic free training and information. The most important of these is free access to the Guild College. A huge training resource everyone needs to access. The Occult Sciences are covered in detail with much of the information never shared before with the public. Occult Science works! You can learn all about it in the Outer Order and a lot more! Click Here to go to the Outer Order info page.
Three classic texts updated with the new powerful Sigil system and one new book complete with powerful Sigils. All Guild books are large format and have full color Sigils and illustrations. These are not common books. These are Occult Power Tools that empower you for your entire life by just owning them. True Next Level occultism you must own. Just viewing the Sigils create strong magical energies. Our new hardcovers are bookstore quality with full color jackets and gold embossing. These are a treasure to own and last a lifetime.
Grand-master Thor Templar
Dr.Thor Templar has authored over 25 books on the manifesting sciences and has pioneered many advances in the world of the manifesting and alternative technology. Archives
November 2024