I'm not so much interested in this movie as much as I'm interested in Mr. Stephen King. Over the past 15 years, I believe I have accumulated evidence that Mr. King is an occultist and more so, he may be one of the most dangerous people on this planet. You'll find my evidence following shortly:
1. The guy that hit him and left him for dead ended dying.... in a hit and run accident.
That's all I got:( But If you look at the odds of such an event occurring and furthermore, such a thing being made news, it smacks of some Occult energy at work. I'll make my case for why I think Stephen king is a powerful Occult scientist:
1. He's created an ARMY of characters ( otherwise known as thoughtforms constructs and tulpas) over the span of his writing career (these are just the characters that we know of) and he has command over these constructs. While the average person may smirk at that statement, the Occult scientist knows that thougthforms can wreak havoc when energized powerfully. Smirk at this: all of those constructs, especially the ones given the big screen treatment , have been energized by every single one of his fans, so now they have actual life on the astral plane.
What does this mean? It means that he can literally send any of his astral minions to do his bidding. Whether or not he is aware of this, i can't say for sure.
2. He creates shite for a living. Isn't it plausible that he created the means by which that hit and run driver should have met his demise through writing? After all, the basic components of any spell/ ritual is high emotional energy and a container for these energies ( words).
3. It's clear when you look at the themes of his works (pyrokinesis, time travel, evil clowns, etc) that he is more than interested in the Occult.
Is it possible that during his many decades of writing and contemplating occult mysteries that he may have channeled some secret knowledge and is using it to achieve writing success? It's absolutely possible.
Take his novel and its big screen treatment "Dreamcatcher" for example. This movie provides a pretty accurate depiction of the mechanisms at play in group telepathy.
I could go on and on, but I think you're starting to see the picture. Just some food for thought.
Kenyata Long