If they're doing their job correctly they are. There was a time when i would watch the oscars and see some extremely plane actor or actress receive this prestigious award. As I'm many decades wiser, I now watch these events and wonder to myself, " is that person using my mind-screwing system to get ahead?" If they're not, then they definitely have some great psychic skills training under their belt.
Believe it or not, a big part of putting together a really good movie has to do with the energetic makeup of everyone involved. Sometimes two actors have an energetic incompatibility that turns the entire production to shit. It's like the two energy fields of these people clash and throw sparks of discordant energy into the surroundings, negatively impacting the energies of everyone and everything around.
Opera singers have the natural ability to mesmerize all those who watch their performances for virtue of the facts that they have massive energy fields and great projective power. Not only do they have these attributes; their energy fields are also extremely bright. These are all skills that you can learn to activate on demand with Mind Screwing: commanding others to give you sex.
Having personal magnetism and charisma is what makes the difference between winners and not-winners. It's why one women gets the guy/girl of her dreams while another gets a big carton of ice cream and a "full house" marathon once a month with their cats and gerbils. Yes, you do need to have a natural talent for the are you want to succeed in, but being able to rapidly and powerful influence the thoughts and feelings of those around you helps a great deal, don't you think?
Another really interesting note regarding successful actors is that they credit their acting coaches for their success. As an occultist, we know that when two people are in contact with each other, energetic connections are formed and their energy fields begin to vibrate in synch. With this condition established, the experience of the acting coach can flow to the actor.
Speaking of acting coaches, Konstantin Stanislavski created a method called the Stanislavsky Method which seems to be based on developing the actors natural psychic abilities, both in the projective and receptive aspects. There was a time when I wanted to try my hand at acting and as such, being a self starter and autodidactic learner, I obtained copies of Stanislavski's training manuals and I was pleasantly surprised. There are some exercises on sensing energy and projecting energy. They're basic but they are good for those who wish to use their in born abilities in the field of acting. Any one that is considering breaking into the field of acting will find that his materials are a great resource.
Even if you're currently just a background actor, you can still use the Mind Screw Psychic Influence System to make some major moves and act your way to the top.
There are demons from the goetia and red dragon crews that are supposed to help one place bewitchments upon another person or even groups of people. However, these beings are dangerous and will take every opportunity to lead you to ruin and destruction unless you learn to control them properly. The Guild is one of the few organizations on the planet that have such means.
The next time you watch your favorite performer or actor, remember that they may be using a little something "Extra" to attain their success.
Kenyata Long