According to both his own accounts and the accounts of some of stalins most trusted bodyguards, Messing, on Stalin's orders was able to use his telepathic abilities to enter the formers villa unmolested and compel a bank teller to give him the sum of 100,000 rubles.
When most people hear claims such as these, their bullshit detectors get so overloaded that they explode.
So the question remains: did Wolf Messing really perform these feats and more with his telepathic abilities?
Answer: he quite possibly did. Telepathically commanding people to perform actions is a very real ability. Telepathically influences the senses of others is a real ability as well. It's quite possible that these feats are explained by this aspect of telepathy.
If you've ever read "Psychic discoveries behind the iron curtain", you'll notice that Messing mentions that during his mission to enter Stalins dacha as directed, he projected the thought " I am Beria" into the minds of all those he encountered. This man Beria was one of Stalins top men and he had access to all of the grounds, being able to travel freely.
In the case of the bank "robbery", Messing states that he handed the teller a blank piece of paper as he projected the image of a check for the aforementioned amount. The mentalist Derren Brown has a television show on which he attempted to replicate this feat with varying degrees of success. There are ways to pull off a lower level of this illusion casting technique offered in Mind Screwing: commanding others to give you sex. After all, whenever you're compelling someone to see things your way, aren't you mind screwing them?
If Messing performed this feat of psychic power as he says, then I'm apt to believe that he didn't just silently project his thoughts and feelings into the energy fields of those he encounter; he most likely combined his telepathic projections with appropriate verbal suggestions, much in the same manner that Derren Brown does in his television show. Then again, this is just me talking from experience with this form of telepathy. The same thing goes with the psychic bank robbery; I believe that messing and brown wasted an extravagant amount of energy in their approach. I won't tell you how however:)
Wolf Messing also recounts a story about the time when he escaped from a jail cell by compelling all of the guards in the jail to enter his cell and projecting the illusion of invisibility, at which point he exited the cell and locked his former captors therein. Is this possible? Yes. the guild has these secrets and more.
So another question arises: can you unlock this ability within yourself with consistent practice? Yes, absolutely. Are there Guild Empowered Technologies that can help you do this? Absolutely. If you're wanting to learn how to make people see things that are there, you'll definitely want to invest in Psychic Sexual Command and Advanced Runic Techniques and Insights. When you diligently use the ultra-powerful sigils and programming techniques in Psychic Sexual Command, you will gradually begin to unlock your full telepathic potential.
You'll want to grab a copy of Advanced Runic Techniques And Insights because there are loads of cool tips on telepathic projection and invisibility that are offered NOWHERE else but in this empowered book.
Good luck and happy illusion-projecting!
Kenyata Long