Sustainable Self-Care: How to Make Your Wellness Habits Stick Long-Term
In this fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to prioritize our work and responsibilities over our own health and well-being. But taking care of ourselves is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health and can help us lead more productive and overall happier lives. If you’re struggling to stick to your self-care goals, you’re not alone! Radionic Tech is here to share some tips and strategies for keeping up with your wellness habits and achieving your self-care goals in a sustainable way.
Pursue Career Growth
Career growth is an important element of self-care. Working in a fulfilling career offers a sense of purpose to one’s life, contributing positively to our mental health and overall life satisfaction. Growing your career can also provide greater financial stability and security, which can reduce stress and allow you to focus on other aspects of your well-being!
Create a career growth plan to serve as a roadmap to your dream career. If a certain degree or diploma would open up desirable job opportunities, going back to school should be one of your first steps. For example, if you want to work as a teacher, you will need an education degree. Earning your Bachelor of Science in education will teach you everything you need to know about instructional practice and learner development. Consider this option if you’re looking for flexible online degree programs that allow you to work while attending school.
Keep it Affordable
Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive. If you want your wellness habits to remain sustainable in the long run, they need to be affordable. Look for ways to fit self-care into your existing budget instead of stretching your budget to make room for healthier behaviors. There are free and low-cost options everywhere! For example, you could go for a run or work out at home instead of purchasing a gym membership.
Consider Your Current Lifestyle and Schedule
When setting self-care goals, make sure they fit into your existing routine. You want to avoid adding unnecessary stress or pressure by creating goals that require major lifestyle changes. Map out your regular daily schedule and look for empty blocks of time where you can fit in self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or healthy meal prep. If your schedule is already very tight, find ways to make your self-care activities more efficient. For example, you could break up your exercise goal into several short activity periods instead of one long session. Power Life explains that several short bouts of daily exercises are just as effective as single long sessions.
Make Small Changes
Resist the urge to make major lifestyle changes overnight. While this can feel incredibly motivating for the first few days, your motivation will inevitably fade, and those big changes will become a lot more challenging to maintain. Instead, the American Psychological Association suggests making small, incremental changes. For example, you could aim to include one serving of fruits or vegetables with each meal instead of committing to a strict diet plan. These small, consistent changes are much more sustainable in the long run.
Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself
While some self-discipline is important for sticking to your goals, avoid being too hard on yourself. Beating yourself up for falling short of your goals can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and self-doubt, all of which are poor motivators. Being hard on yourself can also contribute to stress and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on your overall well-being. Try to treat yourself as you would a loved one or close friend. Be kind and acknowledge that mistakes are okay. Setbacks are normal on the path to success!
Setting self-care goals is a great way to move closer to the life you want, but those goals need to be sustainable. Create an approachable and realistic self-improvement plan, whether it means going back to school to advance your career or finding budget-friendly exercise ideas that fit with your busy schedule. By taking care of yourself, you’ll set yourself up for success in all areas of your life!
For a variety of self-care products and learning resources, check out Radionic Tech!