I have no idea, but it does appear that they have some knowledge of the occult, gained either in this lifetime or previous go-throughs on the earth plane. For instance, Kim Kardashians' willingness and insistence upon eating her placenta demonstrates that she does have some knowledge of sympathetic magic, for in consuming her placenta, she essentially perfomed a magical ritual with the intention to link herself magical with her son.
As an occultist, you have to question anyone that achieves massive success by any standards and use your intuition to determine the truth. Celebrities like the kardashians and other entertainers are fair game in my book, as they live their lives in the open for all to see. If they didn't want you to see it, they wouldn't do it in public.
They're beautiful women and as such, have strong Venus energies flowing to/through them. Whether they attract these energies with the aid of the angels like those from the angelic grimoire of honorius or through some kind of pact with demons like those of the red dragon is another matter of contention. Venus energies incline people to be social and likable, able to make friends easier than most. Yes, I know, they've had some "work" done, but hey, they're till do-able, i guess...
They are wealthy. This can be a combination of any wealth left to them by their late father and their business dealings. Here again Venus energies show themselves with the addition of Jupiterian energies, which bring expansion and abundance. These energies are also conducive to benevolence and socialbility.
Whatsoever the case maybe, the fact remains that achieving fame and fortune doesn't have to be the result of making some idiotic pact with demons or eating placentas; two of the keys to getting famous are mastering your personal magnetism and shaping the odds in your favor. Mind screwing: commanding others to give you sex, the angelic grimoire of honorius, Psychic Sexual Command and The Red Dragon Grimoire are 4 of the most powerful Occult tools you can use to help you get what you want. Of course, when you obtain your copy of the red dragon, you'll have to use it with caution, as demons suck and will try to trick. Only the guild has safe methods of bending them to your will.
One other key to achieving massive success is to learn the art of universal timing so that you know to take action and when to chill out for a bit.
Long story made short: in order to achieve massive worldly success, you need charisma, personal magnetism, psychic power, and a good solid plan.
So drop your placentas and pick up Guild empowered Occult technology today.
Kenyata Long