I remember hearing this announcement over the radio a few months ago while doing some errands: some local DJ's were poking fun at the fact that this particular coven of witches decided to continuously bind President Trump every waning moon period until he is forced out of the oval office.
Being an occultist, I had to look at the matter seriously: Knowing what we know about how the world really works, and knowing what we know about angels, demons and everything in between, it is quite possible that the negative energies they are projecting are having an influence upon the POTUS.
A binding spell can be looked at as a curse, because it is designed to hinder specific actions that a person would normally take. It's a positive thing when a binding spell is done to hinder negative actions in a friend or loved one that could cause them or others harm i.e cigarette smoking, texting while driving, etc.
As an occult scientist, we realize that there really are no coincidences that can't be explained. When you generate huge amounts of energy and shape those into a desired outcome and project them to a target destination, results happen.
This particular situation is not so cut and dry however: I believe that anyone who serves as the POTUS has special metaphysical protections upon them which prevent them from being adversely influenced by negative bio-physical energy projections or negative entities; i'm not say that they are immune, i'm just saying that it's not that easy to influence them. Rightly so, as a person who is to become a president has to have a certain set of metaphysical traits working in their soul in order to step in temporarily and guide the fate of a nation. Of some, some people say that The POTUS selection process is rigged and the "winner" is known by a select few years in advance. That's a matter for a different blog post however.
Not only are these witches themselves projecting energies, but they have invited all those who has a dislike for the POTUS' way of guiding the nation. If anyone has joined in on the action, then that may be quite a bit of negative energy being directed towards him.
What's the point behind this post: the point is that a little bit of occult knowledge applied correctly goes a long way. We will just have to wait and see if what these witches claim that they're doing is taking effect. Some will say that it's working and others will insist that "he did it to himself".
Those who have eyes to see, open them wide.
Guild Strong,
Kenyata Long