Most of you may already be aware of this, and for those of you who aren't, then read on and prepared to have your third eye opened WIDE!
The first day of spring is March 20th, which marks the Spring Equinox. Most people know what this means on the basic physical level, but something very awesome happens on the energetic level of reality:
Every goal that you are working towards receives a massive kick the ass towards completion. More specifically, your own energies get a nice little boost that you can direct to accomplish most anything you desire.
Most of us feel this little boost of bio-physical adrenaline and some don't which is fine. Wherever you find yourself in those categories, be aware that you can increase those energies 100% or more.
Well, if you haven't grabbed your own copy of The Angelic Grimoire Of Honorius, then you're missing out on some very cool angelic entities that can help you push your heart's desire to fulfillment and you'll only find them in the Guild's translation of this grimoire.
Let's face it, even if you don't want to experience massive success with the aid of these powerful positive entities, then you want a copy of this empowered, living book because you're a sorcerer and no sorcerer worth his/her salt is content to just order around demons; we strive for balance and through balance we achieve long-lasting success.
i myself have had some very magical experiences working with these entities and the fun just continues to grow. Speaking of Powerful Positive entities, The Heptameron Grimoire offered by the Guild is one of the most advanced pieces of occult technology that I have ever held in my hands ( it is right on the top of my list next to Drones :). It could not get any easier to invoke powerful angelic energies into your energy field and rush swiftly towards your dreams.
If you consistently find yourself in negative, low energy places and surrounded by the same types of people (I know it's temporary; you're a sorcerer and your working on building your ideal future:) then you absolutely want these two angelic grimoires empowering you 24/7.
Crawl with the worms or Fly with the angels. As always, the choice is yours, IF you're lucky...
Imagine the possibilities and them create them!
Kenyata Long