When looking back, ask yourself: “ How many new and amazing things did I create this year with the aid of the occult sciences?” It helps to have a pen and some paper ready to capture what appears.
When your inner magical being has dumped all of the desired information into the paper before you, next it’s time to tap into the power for your imagination (and possibly your precognitive abilities) and ask yourself the following question:
“What new and amazing things do I want to create and experience in the coming year with the aid of the occult sciences?” Allow the dump to flow freely until it ceases.
Now it’s important that we make a powerfully distinction here by pointing out the wording of the question. Notice that I said “the occult sciences” and not “my occult abilities”? Now why did I do that? Here’s why:
Because by focusing on your own occult level of knowledge (what it maybe at this time), you tend to limit yourself, especially if you don’t yet have the necessary skill to achieve your aims; you may have skills A and B, but you’re missing Skills C and D.
When you switch your focus by thinking about “Occult Sciences”, you automatically trigger your subconscious mind to broaden your horizons and think outside the box. In so doing, you start to attract those things that you need to build those experiences you want into your future.
As I mentioned before, there is a certain magic in the vibration of wintertime. Remember that this particular time of year tends to be governed by the water element. Water is an perfect accumulator of occult energies and within this watery vibration, your visions and projects are perfectly suited to gather energy and burst forth at the perfect time.
This would also be the perfect time to curl up with a copy of the Guild’s Foundation Masterpiece, “ What Can I Manifest?” in front of a warm fire( or even one of those electric fireplaces with the fake flames) so you can brush up on the basics of highly effective occult manifestation.
Guild Strong,
Kenyata Long