The second volume in this trilogy filled with rare techniques and information on the development of extreme abilities is here!
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We here at The Intergalactic Guild Of Occult Sciences are proud to share to the world of the occult The Occult Puppetmaster, soon to be an occult classic in the field of mind control and occult domination! Guild Strong! Kenyata Long So it's official: Boxing Legend Floyd Mayweather Will be meeting MMA Champ Conor McGregor on the field of combat. This is going to be the fight of the century!!! Now, questions arise: Who has the stronger energy field? Who has better chi flow? Who has a greater energy generation capacity? Who has the greater energy storage capacity? Most importantly, who can bring it all to the ring when judgement day arrives? Only time will tell the winner of this clash of the titans. One thing's for certain: Both are extremely skilled and extremely confident, which will make for a really awesome show!!!! The fight is set to kick off August 26, 2017. I wonder which one of these guys will be fortunate enough to get their hands on an empowered copy of Fighting Magic before the big day arrives.... Best, Kenayta Long #mcgregorvsmayweather #clashofthetitans #mmavsboxing #nokickingallowed Let's face it: no matter how awesome you are and no matter how many "nice" things you do in this world, you will eventually cross paths with a hater. It can't be avoided; because we all have unique energetic vibrations, you will find that there some people with whom your energy field just doesn't connect and gel; you just "rub" the person the wrong way or vice versa. So if you were attempting to walk around life with your head up your arse, I hope I've helped you release it from its musky and dark confines. How do we handle haters? How do we crush them under our expensive shoes and keep moving forward unencumbered to achieve greater and greater success with each month, each year? We must first begin by spotting the wolves in waiting. Here's a few tendencies that you want to be on the lookout for: 1. 9 times out of 10 they usually have very little to nothing to say when you announce some success in your life. 2. They go out of their to not just criticize your ideas and goals; they will go so far as to spew as much negative energy on them as possible. 3. You usually walk away from an interaction with a hater feeling lousier than when you when first sat down with them. 4. Mechanical and electrical equipment will malfunction in their presence quite frequently. Dealing with these people is relatively easy once you know how to do it. We offer a few tips to help you shove these losers out of the way energetically and out of your face physically: 1. Just be who you are. It may sound extremely simple, but very often the simplest pieces of advice are the most powerful to implement. This presupposes that you have already discovered your innate talents and are working to develop them to their fullest expression. Self discovery hooks you into nearly limitless streams of enthusiasm and perseverance. 2. Tell the haters to go f-k themselves mentally. Turn it into a ritual where you tell them to (insert not-so-fun-for-them activity here). 3. Keep your energy field strong and healthy by eating good food, drinking plenty of water, getting the right amounts of sleep, getting plenty of sunlight, etc. As they say, the most people didn't appreciate what they have until its gone; the same is true when you neglect your personal health and let your energy field go to shite. A shitty energy field leaves you open to all manner of energetic assault. Haters have a unique ability to sense when a person is down and so take the opportunity to gloat; this gloating can take place completely silently and still affect your energies. 4. Keep your mind totally focused on your goals and outcomes. A mind so focused creates a fortress wherein your spirit sits snugly and securely, able to help you guide all the energies you draw in to their intended destination. 5. Keep your plans secret as much as you can. While some people may outwardly wish you well, they may turn around and be projecting negative energies at you consciously and/or unconsciously. By keeping your goals a secret, you prevent this outside interference and free up your personal power for other tasks and agendas. 6. Always be using magic (ABM). You've trained your mind and body and bond your sorcery skills, so use them! The point of using sorcery is to help you materialize your goals as quickly as possible, so to not use magic speaks of some sort of subconscious doubt about the materialization of said goal. You need to sit down and have a conversation with yourself as to what is holding you back from blasting forward unstoppable toward your dreams. 7. Ask your guides and the universe for help. We can all use a little help; no matter at what level of proficiency you may currently stand in relation to the magical arts. Prayers works, so use it when you need to, and then take action. With these simple tips that you can implement today, you can speed up the manifestation of you goals and crush haters into dust. Guild Strong, Kenyata Long Doctors: we hate them when they give us shots and we love them when they pull bullets out of our arse cheeks. 9 our of 10 physicians are upbeat, energetic and give ample warning before they jam a 5 gauge syringe into your shoulder muscle. No, I'm not afraid of needles. Some people who are not me ARE however... A lot of people reading this may be surprised by the title of this blog post: namely that doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession. I for one was surprised for two reasons: doctors swear an oath to do no harm and this oath would apply to the taking of their own lives, and I would think that psychotherapists would have a higher suicide rate. Let's unpack this: when we look at the environment within which doctors work -often several days in a row- from the occult science perspective, one can readily see that being indoors surrounded by loads of sick people, not to mention the number of disembodied entities and electromagnetic fields interpenetrating the place, a hospital is an ideal breeding ground for negative energies. Add to this the lack of sleep that doctors experience and consequently the deprivation of much needed vital energies recovered during sleep, we begin to get a clearer picture. These two factors are neutralized by the occult scientist that knows a few banishing rituals and protection spells and keeps their energy field nice and strong and fluffy. Let's take a look at the plight of psychotherapists: this is just a shitty job PERIOD. For one, the psychotherapist is stuck in a room with a patient who is suffering from one or more psychological "disorders". During this time, the patient is given the opportunity to unload their emotional problems unto the psychotherapist (read: the patient is literally shitting on the psychotherapist with their emotional energies, not to mention any entities that may be attached to the patient will have the opportunity to attach to the therapist). As in the case of the physician, this absorption of negative emotional energies by said person is generally not a problem if they keep their energy field strong and know a few banishing rituals. So, if you're a doctor or psychotherapist or you know someone who is, the following tips will help you keep doing what you love to do and stay healthy on all levels of being: 1. Weekly, take a bath with some Banishing Oil to get rid of all those negative energies that may have found their way into your energy field. Follow this up with a banishing ritual. 2. Get as much sunlight as possible prior to beginning your shift/ rotation. The sunlight will help you increase the size and strength of your energy field, increasing your resistance to negative energies. 3. Carry a double terminated quartz crystal anointed with either Protection Oil or Fiery Wall Of Protection oil. While you're at it, sprinkle a bit of Fiery Wall Of Protection in your shoes before you go to work. Carrying two such crystals in your pants pockets will offer you even greater protection. 4. If possible, bring a Himalayan salt lamp with you to work. These nifty little device will help produce negative ions, which will bring positive energy to the surrounding area. The lamp will only help raise the energy of the area in which it is placed, but some increase in positive energy is better than nothing. 5. Daily invoke the aid of the archangel Raphael to help protect you to from the negative energies which you will inevitably encounter. An even better step would be to invest in a copy of either/both the Angelic Grimoire Of Honorius and The heptameron angelic grimoire. 6. Get as much sleep as possible before your shift. If you can, shut your eyes often for short periods of time to give your brain and body a little rest. Five minutes can work wonders, but 20 minutes is optimal. 7. Whenever possible, do not face the people with whom you'll be working face on; you're just asking for them to literally shit all their negative junk into your energy field. Instead, stand off to the side as you speak to them. Lastly, if you don't truly enjoy your job, quit and become an occult scientist and change the world from the level of the quantum field. Best, Kenyata Long A New ERA OF OCCULTISM BEGINS!!!
The Guild will be closed until June 24 for reorganization. This is an exciting time for the Guild as we go from a small organization to a medium-sized organization providing important training, products and research. No other organization has done or will ever do this. The website will have many changes to simplify it, and many products and services will be removed, that we can no longer handle. Rituals and book activation's will continue as normal. We will not be able to answer any emails during this period as it is too time-consuming and we must complete these massive changes. We are completely redoing our Triforce Systems to a much stronger and more powerful tool. These changes will be detailed online. Once they are completed. We are working on streamlining the entire process the Guild is involved with our authors, suppliers and customers. This is greatly needed to work more efficiently and get orders out in a much faster manner so everyone is happy. Right now, things are taking too long and we need to institute systems to handle processing orders in a faster fashion. To do this, we are working closely with our suppliers and setting up exact systems for them to follow. This will cut down on the processing time dramatically and get orders out to the customers faster. Of course, custom charged items take time and there's not much we can do about that in the long run. But, we are doing more charging through the use of photographs to cut down the actual time of physically charging items. In occultism, there's a minor difference between a photograph and the actual physical items. All products from the Guild are empowered for life and kept on our numerous altars. There's no need to delay items with physical charging we can do 90% of it on the altars which are transferred to the actual user on a daily basis for life. It is important to understand, that Guild products are continually empowered and upgraded as part of the price of the product itself. These are not made and charged to your any your on your own. They are continually empowered daily on altars. Keeping all this in mind, we hope to also complete all the orders that people are waiting on during this period of time. If not, these will be the 1st priority when we come back. We're kicking off our 2 new schools as well. The schools are critical to the development of occultism in general and information that has never been offered to the public before.The kickoff of our Radionics division is critical as well and as part of our new Institute of Technology. Our new Occult Business School, is the 1st of its kind and will enlighten people on how to make a career in the occult sciences. Over 40 years of business knowledge will be offered in this school at a very reasonable price. All this and more is coming in the next few weeks and you can watch some of the changes online. No communication by email or in any other manner will be taking place during this period of time. I'm hoping to complete everything by June 24, but it may require going to July 1 to fully complete everything. I will keep everyone posted on our reopening date. This reorganization will assist everyone and we are very excited to get all these new changes and to reopen as a much stronger much more powerful organization. The unprecedented growth of the Guild in the last couple of years is quite amazing and far surpasses anything we went through in the past. The coming new stronger, more powerful Guild, will be able to achieve many things and provide to our supporters fantastic empowerment never dreamed of before. Grand Master Dr. Thor Templar I remember hearing this announcement over the radio a few months ago while doing some errands: some local DJ's were poking fun at the fact that this particular coven of witches decided to continuously bind President Trump every waning moon period until he is forced out of the oval office. Being an occultist, I had to look at the matter seriously: Knowing what we know about how the world really works, and knowing what we know about angels, demons and everything in between, it is quite possible that the negative energies they are projecting are having an influence upon the POTUS. A binding spell can be looked at as a curse, because it is designed to hinder specific actions that a person would normally take. It's a positive thing when a binding spell is done to hinder negative actions in a friend or loved one that could cause them or others harm i.e cigarette smoking, texting while driving, etc. As an occult scientist, we realize that there really are no coincidences that can't be explained. When you generate huge amounts of energy and shape those into a desired outcome and project them to a target destination, results happen. This particular situation is not so cut and dry however: I believe that anyone who serves as the POTUS has special metaphysical protections upon them which prevent them from being adversely influenced by negative bio-physical energy projections or negative entities; i'm not say that they are immune, i'm just saying that it's not that easy to influence them. Rightly so, as a person who is to become a president has to have a certain set of metaphysical traits working in their soul in order to step in temporarily and guide the fate of a nation. Of some, some people say that The POTUS selection process is rigged and the "winner" is known by a select few years in advance. That's a matter for a different blog post however. Not only are these witches themselves projecting energies, but they have invited all those who has a dislike for the POTUS' way of guiding the nation. If anyone has joined in on the action, then that may be quite a bit of negative energy being directed towards him. What's the point behind this post: the point is that a little bit of occult knowledge applied correctly goes a long way. We will just have to wait and see if what these witches claim that they're doing is taking effect. Some will say that it's working and others will insist that "he did it to himself". Those who have eyes to see, open them wide. Guild Strong, Kenyata Long The first business school ever devoted strictly to developing a career in occultist. The IGOS Business School will be opening soon. You will be assisted through the entire process of obtaining a high paying career in the occult sciences. You learn all the secrets from business experts with over 30 years in occult businesses. WATCH FOR THE SCHOOL OPENING SOON!! WE GUARANTEE YOU WILL MAKE MONEY! Years back I bought some fixed money candles from IGOS. After I burned them, I forgot how long it took, I got a "wrong call" on the phone. Soon i called the lady back to get to know her. She ended up giving me 1,300.00 to buy some computer repair equipment testing tools to start a computer repair business. Then we started a computer repair business in one town(this time with a building) but she wanted it to be closer to where she lived, Jackson Mississippi. So, we moved it up there. Her "boyfriend" was an asshole and was like a baby Hitler so we couldn't get along. Then the lady took a bad attitude towards so I quit. They hired my cousin and stayed open for a while then closed. But, my point is, MAGIC WORKS out of the blue many times. All this from a wrong phone call...
ANSWER.. This is an excellent example of how things manifest in odd and strange ways. Always be open during the manifesting process for anything. Your life is special to you, and as such things will manifest in a way best for you. Do NOT expect straightforward manifesting. This rarely happens. |
Grand-master Thor Templar
Dr.Thor Templar has authored over 25 books on the manifesting sciences and has pioneered many advances in the world of the manifesting and alternative technology. Archives
November 2024