9 our of 10 physicians are upbeat, energetic and give ample warning before they jam a 5 gauge syringe into your shoulder muscle. No, I'm not afraid of needles. Some people who are not me ARE however...
A lot of people reading this may be surprised by the title of this blog post: namely that doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession. I for one was surprised for two reasons: doctors swear an oath to do no harm and this oath would apply to the taking of their own lives, and I would think that psychotherapists would have a higher suicide rate.
Let's unpack this: when we look at the environment within which doctors work -often several days in a row- from the occult science perspective, one can readily see that being indoors surrounded by loads of sick people, not to mention the number of disembodied entities and electromagnetic fields interpenetrating the place, a hospital is an ideal breeding ground for negative energies.
Add to this the lack of sleep that doctors experience and consequently the deprivation of much needed vital energies recovered during sleep, we begin to get a clearer picture. These two factors are neutralized by the occult scientist that knows a few banishing rituals and protection spells and keeps their energy field nice and strong and fluffy.
Let's take a look at the plight of psychotherapists: this is just a shitty job PERIOD. For one, the psychotherapist is stuck in a room with a patient who is suffering from one or more psychological "disorders". During this time, the patient is given the opportunity to unload their emotional problems unto the psychotherapist (read: the patient is literally shitting on the psychotherapist with their emotional energies, not to mention any entities that may be attached to the patient will have the opportunity to attach to the therapist). As in the case of the physician, this absorption of negative emotional energies by said person is generally not a problem if they keep their energy field strong and know a few banishing rituals.
So, if you're a doctor or psychotherapist or you know someone who is, the following tips will help you keep doing what you love to do and stay healthy on all levels of being:
1. Weekly, take a bath with some Banishing Oil to get rid of all those negative energies that may have found their way into your energy field. Follow this up with a banishing ritual.
2. Get as much sunlight as possible prior to beginning your shift/ rotation. The sunlight will help you increase the size and strength of your energy field, increasing your resistance to negative energies.
3. Carry a double terminated quartz crystal anointed with either Protection Oil or Fiery Wall Of Protection oil. While you're at it, sprinkle a bit of Fiery Wall Of Protection in your shoes before you go to work. Carrying two such crystals in your pants pockets will offer you even greater protection.
4. If possible, bring a Himalayan salt lamp with you to work. These nifty little device will help produce negative ions, which will bring positive energy to the surrounding area. The lamp will only help raise the energy of the area in which it is placed, but some increase in positive energy is better than nothing.
5. Daily invoke the aid of the archangel Raphael to help protect you to from the negative energies which you will inevitably encounter. An even better step would be to invest in a copy of either/both the Angelic Grimoire Of Honorius and The heptameron angelic grimoire.
6. Get as much sleep as possible before your shift. If you can, shut your eyes often for short periods of time to give your brain and body a little rest. Five minutes can work wonders, but 20 minutes is optimal.
7. Whenever possible, do not face the people with whom you'll be working face on; you're just asking for them to literally shit all their negative junk into your energy field. Instead, stand off to the side as you speak to them.
Lastly, if you don't truly enjoy your job, quit and become an occult scientist and change the world from the level of the quantum field.
Kenyata Long