Hi all,
I'm a HUGE movie buff. One of my all-time favorite movies is Gladiator with Russell Crowe and some other guys...
I recently watched that movie again after some years and it was as awesome as ever. One scene that really jumped out to me and made me count my lucky stars for knowing a little bit about The Art Of Sorcery was the one where he prays to the gods for assistance in the battles to come. When I zeroed in on that scene, I noticed that he had mini representations of his wife and son.
I watched for a second and then I got slapped in the face by the realization that he WAS DOING SORCERY!!! You'll find the evidence in the image above. All of the elements for a successful ritual were there:
- Representations of the gods ( the power source)
- Representations of his family ( His target)
- Candles to attract spirits (hopefully positive)
- The channel ( himself)
- His petition(s)
Maximus truly has the makings of a powerful sorcerer! If only he had access to Crown Of Success, Luck Drawing and some powerful Fiery Wall Of Protection Formulas, I think the movie would have ended in his favor, don't you?
This scene was so compelling that I grabbed my copies of the Traditional Sorcery Course and my notebook to jot down my insights.
I'm salivating at all the fun experiments that come to mind. Be on the look out for the findings.
Peace and Guild- Strong,
Kenyata Long